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Comment Todoist (Score 1) 278

I'm honestly not really sure what in my todo list would be considered critically private, so in my opinion, I'm not too worried about hosted solutions. This also makes it easier to use from multiple devices, and keep them synced. Unless people are really all that fascinated with when I make my shopping lists, when I schedule groups of tasks for work, or whatever, and want to take the trouble to hack in, I hope they have fun being bored out of their skulls.

That being said, I use todoist. I can nest things, I can use templates (which is great as I have a lot of things that have multiple similar tasks, and I can just drop in a CSV to autocreate them) , color code certain topics, etc. The only nitpick I have is not being able to more easily order them my day view, but I can just drag and drop if I need to. The ability to have easy date/repeat parsing goes a long way too.

Comment Re: Too late for me (Score 3, Insightful) 401

Frankly, too late for most of us.
However, the article kind of hints at the problem: these companies all revert to this as identification. And often, the same stupid security questions (seriously, you think someone couldn't figure out my mother's maiden name from a basic search of several sites? Or use most people's Facebook to figure out where they were born or the name of their high school?)

While the proliferation of security bugs is worrisome, with it seems like a new security failure every couple months (this is why robots are not likely to take over the world anytime soon), companies going with the easy solution of last 4 digits of ss is just asking for problems. It is, simply put, not a safe security identifier anymore and should never have been used as one in the first place.
I don't know the right answer, but doubling down on what's easy for your phone techs to work with isn't it.
It's gotten to the point where these breaches are passe. And that's sad. I would be more shocked if an email I regularly use wasn't on haveibeenpwned yet. It feels like they think free monitoring is this panacea that will fix it. But that is only glossing over the fact that it seems everyone is in so much of a rush to do deep data and get more info that they don't take basic security into account. That, or that people will do what is easiest and cheapest, not the safest. And this seems to be our new reality. Sadly I don't expect this to change. Privacy is, basically, dead unless you work full time on hiding yourself, and as everything is available somewhere. And... No one seems to really care, and most Governments say it's still not enough.

Comment So, no free image uploads after all then? (Score 1) 203

I loved putting mods with aosp on my phones, and I was actually thinking about a nexus next (although Google constantly deciding not to include a removable battery and at times a microsd card turned me off to them previously).

I'm all for rebranding... But the nexus line was actually good branding for them. I don't see a need for it. Then again, most branding people and designers sometimes find it a bit too easy to switch things up in case it could be better...

But there goes all that free photo storage. I knew it was too good to be true.

Comment Re:Why only the top 3? What about other top 10 cms (Score 1) 222

Do you have something personal against C5? Because you did almost exactly the same comment to two posts with completely different points?

Anyway, whether or not drupal did it a few years ago, it's about implementation. I actually DID explain what I liked, but whether you understand what I meant or not, it doesn't mean my points were invalid. The last time I checked (admittedly a few years ago) only one other cms did in context editing. Like, if you had a blog, you could drag a block of content, or an image slider in on that page, right there, while looking at it, tweak the content, and see how it will work. With most things, there is no need to go to the dashboard/backend.

I arrived at this "need" for a customer that literally said he wanted his website to be as easy to use as his fantasy football site he frequented. Now, the issue is, that site was very good at only one thing, but he liked being able to see the changes inline, as they would appear. And not just having to go into a wysiwyg editor to do all that, but be able to add custom areas with different specialties wherever they wanted. Drag and Drop, tweak the content in a logical fashion (for an image slider, add the images, text, titles, etc, and then just hit save).

The page centric paradigm C5 had some use cases where data objects would help, so they added it. So, you are offended because they are adding features that you have had, but yet your CMS still doesn't have some features or implementation they do have? This is the WHOLE POINT! Each CMS has it's benefits and drawbacks. Some did X first, others, Y. I pick android as my platform for my phone, you may pick iOS. They both evolve differently. Some people here may be desperate for a feature in one that they didn't realize was native to another. It may be that the implementation of data objects is more or less flexible or usable than in Drupal, frankly, I don't know. If you would like to show me how their in context editing in drupal blows the lid off c5, I'd love to see it. But frankly, like I said, for end users, and I've had a good number of them, they seem to pick up C5 really fast and like the customizing options and flexibility.

So, you enjoy Drupal for what it does have, and I like C5 for what it has. I was pointing out they were eliminating a pain point in a nice way in the next version, which some people who have evaluated C5 in the past would likely want to know. I was providing info.

Finally, your point falls on it's head. You asked for a reason that is the case? I said it clearly: "I look at how easy it is for end users to pick up and customize". That's the important part, and when I last checked, C5 beat Drupal by a lot. That could have changed, admittedly, but in just checking a v8 video demo on youtube, it's no where NEAR as elegant and clean and usable for users. It's night and day.

See for yourself:

Comment Why only the top 3? What about other top 10 cms? (Score 5, Interesting) 222

Why do we have to stick with only the top 3? Aren't there great options who some haven't heard of yet?

Personally, I adore concrete5 ( They are making some major changes to the structure, and the upcoming version 8 adds new data objects that will make it more than just the page centric pattern it was before. The developers are active and engaging with the community, it's been around for long enough to be mature, and the in context editing is a huge asset to the end user.

When I look at a CMS, I don't just look at how to code within it, although that is massively important. I also look at how easy it is for end users to pick up and customize. And being able to make changes to an area right in that area on that page is a killer feature. The fact that the block architecture ensures you can add special custom areas very easily and in a modular fashion is also extremely helpful.

I've worked with all the big CMSs, and tested them out. I've tested out a boatload of the medium sized ones as well. C5 was hands down the winner.

Comment Re:The one you've written yourself. (Score 2) 222

That's how I learned the ins and out of the language I was using. I think it's said that many people write their own CMS the first time (no, I am not taking the time to source this, it's something I read years ago). And the lure of doing it is decidedly easy to fall prey to. You can do it your way, it's lightweight, free of cruft, and does things that are the most likely to save you a ton of time. All good things.

The issue is, when I wrote my CMS (admittedly, 8-10 years ago), and while I had several clients using it, every single new client needed a new feature, a new upgrade, a new way of organizing things. And this was just the backend data side, with the database presentation layer for them to enter things, I had most of the front end pages custom coded because it was just easier.

The reality is, designs change, features change, and someday, someone will ask you for something fancy and you will have to stay up all night getting it done last minute. Does that happen anyway? Of course, sometimes. But choosing the right framework can prevent some of that, and at least make sure that for the majority of clients, you are spending more time making THEIR site than reworking and adding on to your cms, which is suddenly becoming as complicated and convoluted as the ones you were trying to avoid. Feature creep is real, and it's insidious. Always assume your lightweight CMS will have to grow, and take that into account.

And a quick googling of "write own cms" brings up tons of great articles about the danger of it.

Comment Re:For some of us, it works (Score 1) 258

As the header says "For SOME of us, this works".
The issue I was responding to was the immediate reactions from people saying that people like me are being taken advantage of, or that I hate myself, etc.
The issue is that people tend to flock to "Because it doesn't work for me, it can't work for anyone", like the guy saying more than one job was debilitating in other comments.
I never said I expect everyone to do this. That's the whole point here. I don't. There will always be opportunities for all types of career types. I don't believe that just because people may switch jobs a bit more often now (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, really) that the trend will continue. It's the whole "the sky is falling" when you project to the future instead of looking to the past. Things will usually come back to a mean. There will be some people who are more comfortable with a secure company. There are others who prefer to freelance. The world exists because of variety.
Look, let's be honest: people are naturally greedy and selfish to some extent. People have always been and will always be taken advantage of by people who want to get ahead. Yes, I believe there is redemption and that just like there are a variety of job types, there are a variety of people types. Things fall on all parts of the range.
The top attracts people who are greedy and want power. Since when is this NOT the case? And there seem to always be ways of people to circumvent the attempts to short circuit this.
I just think it's both foolhardy to jump to conclusions about what the future will hold (see how we are all in flying cars now?), and to assume that just because one working style isn't what you gravitate to is inferior. To each their own. I can't control the people at the top. I choose every day to control myself, and make the parts of the world I CAN control a better place, as I can. If I'm doing that, I'm doing my best, and I can be content. And isn't contentment the very opposite of greed?

Comment For some of us, it works (Score 3, Interesting) 258

I've seen several negative comments already on here, and instead of replying to each of them, I thought I'd just share my experience.
For some of us, this way of doing things "scratches itches".
I think I've always done this. If something interested me, I learned more about it, or I'd learn something because I had a need for it. Then I'd find out someone I knew needed something based on what I'd learned, and suddenly, I was making money doing it. In fact, this has helped me greatly in my life, because now I can be a stay at home dad and still work and do things I enjoy and that fulfill me. Currently, if you include being a dad, I have 4 "jobs". I'm about to add on a 5th on the advice of someone.
Each of these jobs is enjoyable for the most part in different ways. I still work a few hours for my old job, so I keep up those skills. I have a totally creative design job which I love because I get to be creative, and I usually end up teaching students as well. I have a coding job that allows me to use those logic and problem solving aspects of my brain. I have my horde of kids, which is fulfilling in numerous ways. And I have the new job, which is filling a niche not many realize or know about. It's small scale, but that works for me.
The key to all these things is prioritization and time management, and keeping your customers expectations reasonable. Yes, there are bad weeks when EVERYTHING hits at once and you have some really late nights. But this is a rarity if you are up front with your clients and explain the situation. A little honest communication goes a long way.
Now, admittedly, I'm not the best by any means at any of these jobs. But honestly, even if I spent every hour of every day at that job, I still wouldn't be the best. And I'm ok with that. I don't feel this desperate need to be the ultimate, because there will always be someone better than me. However, if I make the lives of others better, give a good service that they need for a good price, get to stretch myself while still managing my family, and get to learn new things constantly, where is the negative here?
I'm not saying this is for anyone. And to the person who feels that someone is being taken advantage of, seeing as you often choose how many jobs you have (people with more than 3 are usually by choice, not need, because those people would be working double jobs most often), so if you are being taken advantage of, it's only because you are taking advantage of yourself.
If you DO decide to do this:
A. Use a really good time tracking program (I use Time Recording for Android).
B. Know how to get your todo list organized (learn getting things done can be very helpful, and I use todoist to sync so wherever I have a revelation, I can dump it into my inbox).
C. Learn the value of honesty and integrity. Be straightforward with people. Honestly goes a long way, and if someone knows where they stand, often they will be more reasonable. And if you screw up, just admit it. Mistakes happen. Own it.
D. Know your worth. Know what is a reasonable amount to be making. Yes, we often make less than we think we are worth. But know what you are willing to accept.
E. Be reasonable with billing if you can. IE: you will likely work more hours than you get paid for (research, etc), either because you quoted a price and are held to it, or you know how much they are willing/able to pay, or whatever. But try baking that extra time into your price, or your expectation of self worth.
F. Accept you will not get along with every customer. Be really, really, really good to the ones you click with.
G. Word of mouth is still the best marketing for most small things. So, get good word of mouth.
H. Try to have a sense of humor and smile.
I. Know that life is short, and enjoy it. And don't expect work to be your self worth. That is where the danger lies. Use it to expand your world, but get your self worth from who you are, not what you do. And take breaks. I can take a month off if I schedule things right.

This will not apply to everyone. But please, don't say I'm being taken advantage of, or it's greed, or that I'm insecure. I'm not. I fill little needs in the world around me. I'm not desperate either. Please stop telling me what I am or what I'm feeling. I'm quite content. I'm not saying it will work for everyone. But it sure as heck works for me.

Comment Why can't it be real music (Score 1) 181

I find the thought that it shouldn't be real music to be kind of insulting. Many programmers are musically versed enough to be more thrown of if the music isn't "Real". What about ambient music isn't real, anyway?

I like to use post-rock when I code, work (caspian primarily, but mogwai and others too). It's actually extremely well arranged music, but it is ambient and can fade back really easily (no lyrics often helps). IF anything, this is far more "real" music than half the over produced pop out there, and has more than 3 chords.

Thanks, I'll keep my intelligence and musical tastes. Don't act like I'm an imbecile who needs "fake" music. I prefer my brain be stimulated, not coddled.

Comment Re:Pandora's Problem is repetition (Score 5, Informative) 152

This is based on their algo which is based off of your likes and dislikes. Have you noticed that after you dislike a song, they tend to play a song you liked before? They want to keep you happy. They do tend to play your artist (if you made the station based on an artist) about every 3-5 songs. That is usually because you will tend to like that artist's music, and because that is the main focus of the station.

Additionally, if you want more range, you can add songs or artists to a certain station to better define it for you. That way, adding a techno tune to a hard rock station may bring you something more in the middle to better refine your desires for that station.

Also, if you are having issues, make new stations. I made some for workouts, some for the kids, etc, and refined them based on those specific feature sets. I haven't had any issues with it. But the best thing you can do is add a new style to a station and give it a wider range of filters (as there is only one or two main sets to start from based on the original artist or album, further refined by your likes).

Also, if you don't like a song, literally tell it you are sick of that song. It will drop it from the playlist for a while.

Comment Re:You must have very large pockets. (Score 2) 214

Umm, yes, yes I do. Actually, my 4.3" smartphone with hard case actually even fits into one of the lower pockets of some of the carpenter pants I own. I generally keep my wallet and keys in my left pocket (once I traveled internationally, I never saw a reason to keep the wallet in the back pocket, its bad for your back anyway). The right pocket has my smartphone and possibly a small usb drive. So, yeah, see no issue with carrying my smartphone around in my pocket. Since I used to work at heights frequently, I never trusted belt cases, plus they are generally regarded as tacky. How tight are your pants that you can't fit a smartphone in them?

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