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Comment Great, now about that mandatory data plan... (Score 1) 44

I use my (unlocked, non-plan) iPhone exclusively on WiFi. However, AT&T insists that I buy a $25/mo data plan, which I have never used. They will not let me drop it. Total cash grab. (I did get away with not having one for many years, but they finally caught up with me)

Comment Re:LOLZ (Score 1) 472

Instead of blaming a whole generation, perhaps placing the blame more precisely would be helpful? Remember that the Boomers were also the Beatles and Woodstock generation, protested the Vietnam war and passed the Clean Air and Voting Rights Acts, and, in many cases, paid for your education. Maybe some questions about vastly increased corporate political influence and growth of the financial industry are more appropriate? Whatever you decide, GET THE HELL OUT AND VOTE!

Comment Computer Systems Engr, UMASS/Amherst, 1976 (Score 1) 96

I can't complain. I think I got good value for money, a state school education was under 10k/semester back then, including food and lodging. Actual tuition was something like $1.5k/semester. Microprocessors were just coming out in '76, and I got one of the first Bowmar calculators my second semester. I still used a slide rule for the trig functions, because I couldn't afford the HP35. That being said, I learned a lot of stuff that I used in the first couple of years I got out, but never since: Karnaugh maps, FORTRAN, and Pascal. Stuff I learned and DID use repeatedly: DSP, Error correcting codes, modulation theory (this was a very good course), filter design, Hardware Description Language, math. Stuff I learned on my own: how to read a schematic, practical circuits, debug skills, etc. The last group of skills, I learned during two summer jobs as a temporary tech on a DEC production line, testing and debugging hard disk drives. Those three months were probably the smartest thing I did as a student. It was, before they became de rigeur, an internship, but without any connection to the school. Microprocessors, C, programmable logic, UNIX, C were all things I learned on my own. But college isn't all about learning skills you will use, it's mostly about getting a foundation and learning how to pick up new skills. At least, it was for me.

Comment Surely you're joking? (Score 1) 291

" America's top corporations are responsible for improving society by serving all stakeholders ethically, morally and fairly -- and not just for boosting the stock price for shareholders." Hahahaha. I'm trying to think of just ONE of America's top corporations to which I could say that statement applies. WalMart? Comcast? [pick any media company] [pick any financial company, but especially Wells Fargo or BoA] Nope.

Comment Re:Adult Entertainment Show? (Score 1) 183

For years, CES was held in Vegas, at the same time as the Adult Entertainment convention. I heard several years ago that this is no longer the case. One might think that the current controversy is a predictable consequence.

Apparently, the fun ended in 2012...

Comment Re:Transparency in Government is good! (Score 1) 334

So, if the Office of Administration is so innocuous, what's the harm in making it subject to FOIA requests? Exempting yourself from them makes it look like you're hiding something.

See "Nixon White House" for a possible reason FOIA requests to this office should be allowed.

Comment Re:God I hate those neverlost things (Score 2) 188

I've gotten a few rental cars from Hertz with the GPS devices. You can only turn the brightness down a bit. They cannot be turned off. I did notice the camera, so I just tossed my jacket over over it. I just request a car without that device now. Besides I have phone GPS which frankly is easier to use.

Seconded. I tried to use NeverLost once. UI was terrible, and the turn instructions were either late, or unclear, resulting in my getting...lost. Next rental, I had my Garmin with me. Worked like a charm.

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