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Comment Re:Orders have poured in, (Score 1) 156

Can you imagine the size of the rig-trailer interconnects if the batteries were kept in the trailer? It would require cables as thick as your arm, that are flexible enough to rotate 200+ degrees from side to side, and perhaps 30 degrees up and down, for a million miles, and can still be disconnected and reconnected by mere mortals in a variety of conditions.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 231

The farmers who benefit from it can just have a summer schedule and a winder schedule.

Daylight savings was never about the farmers, and farmers don't benefit from it. It's all a sop to retailers, as later sunsets lead to more spending as people tend to stay out a little later.

Honestly I suspect that, like "Black Friday", the DST retail boost is a mirage. If we didn't have DST then spending would be more spread out over the year and the retailers would lose nothing overall. They would even stand to benefit by having a flatter, more dependable, business cycle. But alas it's all about short term appearance.

Comment Re:If no Anti-matter then no Energy Conservation (Score 1) 80

So either the laws of physics today are the same as they were back then and anti-matter was definitely produced just after the Big Bang in particle collisions or conservation of energy is not correct.

Or we're not getting the simulated conditions correct. It is, after all, happening in a universe that exists, already filled with regular matter and quantum foam.

Comment Re:I think it's BS (Score 1) 102

I don't keep a car anymore because it's cheaper/easier to get a ride when I need one. Otherwise I would walk less and drive more.

That brings up an interesting point. If ride hailing increases miles travelled by 70% but results in fewer vehicles produced and purchased, what is the net effect?

IIUC about half the energy "spent" on a car, in the average car's lifetime, occurs during the manufacturing process -- before it reaches the buyer. The other half is gasoline. If that's true, and the ride hailing apps are actually replacing vehicle purchases, then that 70% increase by those cars would lead to a 30% net decrease in overall energy usage and emissions.

Comment Re:Buses Don't Go Everywhere (Score 1) 102

Of course someone might point out but the electric is often provided by coal, but, well, often a problem has to be solved in parts.

IIUC a coal power plant creating electricity at ~50% efficiency is significantly cleaner than a fleet of ICEs running at <10% efficiency.

If every ICE vehicle were replaced with an equivalent electric, and the electricity shortfall were made up entirely by coal-burning power plants, we may still come out ahead pollution- and carbon-wise.

Comment Where does the OS end and free apps begin? (Score 1) 184

Reaction was mixed because while some people saw little wrong with Microsoft advertising a free service rather than trying to encourage people to part with money

I feel like this really becomes a question of whether an installed-by-default program counts as "part of the operating system", which you purchased, vs. a freebie that you didn't.

Personally, I think it's part of the OS and, therefore, should not be an advertising platform. Same with the Start Menu.

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