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Comment Re:I switch for almost the same (Score 2) 254

There is also

- It uses carddav and caldav, working out of the box with iOS or with additional software on Android
- You could set up the account and pay anonymously (money in envelope)
- You could encrypt all the mails contacts and calenders with your password
- You could encrypt all unencrypted incoming emails with your public pgp key

And in 2018 there were 285000 accounts but only 2 instances where they delivered data to authorities


Less anonymity, but it offers webspace.

If you do not pay for a service you are the product.

Comment Re: No master password? (Score 1) 52

You mean it requires to type in the windows password? That is what Chrome help says on the web as of today. I guess the BSI forgot to mention: The windows password isnât enough, because it leaves the user with one password not only to mess with the OS, but to gain access to all passwords as well.

Or is there another feature out of the box, that I am not aware of, that doesnât require a plugin or an undocumented/ unsupported feature?

Comment Re: Complete and utter nonsense trailer. (Score 4, Funny) 226


I do not know why people are complaining about a so called 8th season of Game of Thrones, either. It is too bad they cancelled the show when Dany finally set sails for Westeros.

A third, fourth or higher episode of Terminator? You mean the bad rip off made by minor c-movie-studios trying to completely destroy the series?

Someone referencing the bad fanfic âzTerminator 3âoe is not meant to be taking seriously when he complains about the trailer about a possible sequel.

Some people should smoke weaker weed. Seriously.

What is next? Gaslighting us into believing there is a Matrix sequel after the first and final episode besides the animated short films? Someone tried to explain to m someone made a Hobbit trilogy. From this one book alone. Madness.

I really hope James Cameron would do a sequel to Aliens some day. Or a prequel, I would really like to see where the aliens came from.

Comment Re: Rinse. Repeat. (Score 1) 351

Oh boy.

1. Once a ban is established it is hard to repeal. That is why older games that would easyly make it today are still banned. The newer games are usually not censored.

2. I was talking about our constitution, not the european convention. Swastikas are banned after certain... events in Germany with some exceptions. There is an exception for movies or ither forms of art. The high court falsely ruled many years ago that a certain game does not meet that criteria. That was considered to apply to all games. As games have become more and more like movies it is believed that the ban of swastikas in games - even when fighting against nazis - would not stand. But some publisher needs to do it: Introduce one antifascistic game like Wolfenstein, get it banned and then sue.

3. The ban was to protect against the return of the nazi party, not to protect nazis from being fought. But the effect is as you describe.

Comment Re: US is at fault (Score 1) 351

I think the problem lies elsewhere. The ban in Australia was accepted by a large percentage of the population, if I am correct. The US is a very divided country with the dispute on gun legislation running through both parties.

I do think that a ban would work. And it would reduce gun deaths by a huge margin. In order to do so the public opinion needs to change. I do not see that happen anytime soon.

Comment Re: Rinse. Repeat. (Score 1) 351

Ok. The censorship here is way too much. But it eased over the last couple of years. The only thing that I miss now is the ability to play against real nazis as no publisher tries to challenge that unconstitutional ban. The self-censor-committee of the gaming industry recently admitted that the old ruling for wolfenstein 3d would not stand once challenged, as the reality has sunk in that games and movies are comparable now and that the art exception could no longer withheld from computer games.

The antifa is not responsible for game censoring. It was the mass media and established politicians. Get your facts straight.

On the other hand, while I would not ban the game I still find it tasteless. Going postal was dark humour. This is meant as a simulation without the comic relief. Wonât buy wonât play. Did play any Wolfenstein game though, uncensored...

Comment Re: Good job Apple! (Score 1) 268

That is if the encryption of the backup is broken or if the passphrase ist to easy. And you could still backup locally.

Or if you are willing to ignore that iOS works with secure providers out of the box: caldav, carddav, IMAP > calendar, reminders, contacts, notes. No extra program needed,

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