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Comment Re:Eh? (Score 1) 352

In this article, information about science research is being withheld from the media.

What if the fact that this information is being withheld, were also withheld?

Now we have a media with no information, and no idea that they don't have the information, and a public who has no clue about it either.

How would you go about convincing your countrymen that this is a bad thing, if no-one, even you, knew about it?


Wine 1.2 Release Candidate Announced 165

An anonymous reader writes "After evolving over 15 years to get to 1.0, a mere 2 years later and Wine 1.2 is just about here. There have been many many improvements and plenty of new features added. Listing just a few (doing no justice to the complete change set): many new toolbar icons; support for alpha blending in image lists; much more complete shader assembler; support for Arabic font shaping and joining, and a number of fixes for video rendering; font anti-aliasing configuration through fontconfig; and improved handling of desktop link files. Win64 support is the milestone that marks this release. Please test your favorite applications for problems and regressions and let the Wine team know so fixes can be made before the final release. Find the release candidate here."

Comment Re:Why exactly is an issue? (Score 1) 447

So what?

All this means is that there is an initial section of the website that doesn't use cookies, and therefore doesn't need to pass a cookie to the user. This is the EULA section.

After this, there is another section which uses cookies because the user allowed it, and then a third section which says: well thanks for reading the EULA, pity you won't be able to see the rest of the site because you clicked No.

What's the big deal?

Comment Re:I'm what you could call a "blue collar" coder (Score 1) 836

I agree with your take on this. I am glad that I took maths and applied maths at uni, because that's been of tremendous help to me during my career as a programmer.

But nothing I learned at uni about programming or computer science has been of any use whatsoever.

Everything I know about coding I learnt either from reading other people's source code or long hours of experimentation. The rest is just experience and reading books.

Also, I devote part of every day to reading up on new or old coding practices/techniques, and I read a book a month about something to do with design, engineering or coding. If I didn't do this, I wouldn't stay current, and I wouldn't have a broad pool of knowledge to draw from.

The big question of a degree vs a diploma becomes irrelevant after a few years, something neither recruiters nor employers seem to realise.

For an accountant you need a degree, because the rules and practices of accounting are well-known and you can learn them all in a degree. This is not the case AT ALL for the ever-evolving field of programming, never mind the misunderstood field of computer science.

Comment Re:Doesn't change a thing (Score 1) 143

Basically, just because many current implementations of electronic voting are failures, don't blame the concept of electronic voting. As the polulation grows, electronic voting has the potential to make voting more accessible, fair and efficient. Paper voting does not.

You can cheat using either paper voting or electronic voting.

Just because you can cheat in any particular system does not make it undemocratic.

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