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Comment Re:Why? (Score 3, Insightful) 510

It's not like he didn't know what he was doing. He voted for the law. He was advised by his bank that he was breaking the law. All he had to do was file some paperwork about his withdrawals. He deliberately avoided the law instead, and is now being prosecuted for it. Seems like everything is working okay to me.

Comment Re:Cant be worse (Score 1) 351

If you want inflation protected 100% guarranteed savings, buy the inflation protected T-bonds. I maintain my savings in mutual fund and stock accounts, with only enough liquid assets for a 3 month long emergency fund. I have a mortgage, my wife has student and car loans. We are middle class with a normal amount of debt. Inflation decreases the size of our debt over time, while having no impact on salary or savings. So considering a typical inflation that's 5%, or more normally way less, what's the problem again?

Comment Re:He's right - Android is eating iOS's lunch (Score 2) 692

Coolness has been less of a factor for a while. The iPad was far and away an excellent piece of hardware. It was the first time I started to think we could really use the "third device", instead of thinking that the three-device paradigm was a corporate marketing scheme. There is a lot to be said for well executed tables for content consumption (different than those for productivity). The iPad was fantastic, and its hardware and OS excellence is what opened the consumer market. Advertising and coolness got more attention, but the product itself closed the deal. If they can continue to make the best hardware around, they have a sound business strategy.

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