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Comment States trying to regulate Internet sites...riiight (Score 1) 218

California has no business trying to regulate what sites on the Internet can/can't do. For that matter, neither do national governments.

Let's say I operate a site similar to IMDb, from here in Texas or some freewheeling island country somewhere. If California (or Germany, or Russia, or whereever) tries to regulate the content of that site, I will cheerily ignore them. They have no jurisdiction.

They're quite welcome to block my site, if they can get their ISPs to cooperate. But it's BS to specify what websites can/can't show.

Now, maybe IMDb operates out of California, so that's where "jurisdiction" comes in. If that's the case, IMDb needs to move the site (& dba location, but not necessarily office/staff location) out of state. Too bad, CA, you just regulated a business out of your state entirely!

Comment I blocked when ads showed up in Subject list (Score 1) 328

I didn't mind the sidebar ads in Yahoo Mail, but when they started putting ads in the list of email looking like another email - that's when I'd had enough.

So if they want to get rid of THAT one practice, I'll gladly turn off my ad-blocker.

But I like Yahoo's email interface much better than Gmail or almost any others. Especially the ease of moving messages to folders.

Comment Crayon look strikes again! (Score 1) 178

First Microsoft with Windows 8 - flattened UI elements, soft unshaded coloring, squared corners, etc. I dub it the "crayon look" - both because of the dumbed down simple look, and because of MS seemed intent to treat us like kids using crayons, instead of intelligent users who prefer a more polished look. It took years to finally get the sculpted, more-pleasing look of Windows 95 (remember Windows 3.1? was 'flat'). Now we're being regressed backwards.

After Windows 8, many apps and websites began updating their own visual schemes to "the crayon look".

Then Apple follows suit (essentially) with a similar style in OS X Yosemite - and iOS8.

Now we're going to have the same thing in Android.

It's like they've all become lemmings, rushing to trample off the edge of the usability cliff!

I kept hoping this was a temporary trend and I could wait out these releases until sanity returned...but it's starting to feel like they've all drunk the same kool-aid and this isn't going away for a while. How long before most major Linux distros start adopting the 'flat' (crayon) look, too?

Comment Re:Fuel Cells are Electric (Score 1) 659

EXACTLY. Was hoping someone had pointed this out - a Fuel Cell car IS an EV - it just uses a fuel cell to produce the electricity, instead of batteries. Everything else is basically the same. So let's get electric done right first, then worry about swapping out batteries for a fuel cell. And that's what the manufacturers should be aiming for - a module approach, make a battery-module and a fuel-cell module and make them swappable....there was an announcement of some small EV maker planning on just that...but what should happen is Tesla & Toyota get together on it...

Comment Re:Die, die, die, flat UI elements (Score 1) 387

> I consider it to be the UI equivalent of the Brutalist architectural style (those bare concrete box buildings from the 70s).

I've been calling it the "Crayon Style". I consider it's like MS decided we were all children (or old) and needed the "simpler" look to better use our computers. I prefer a more sculpted look - if that's "skeuomorphic" then fine, give me skeuomorphic.

Comment Re:Just withdraw from Germany. (Score 1) 215

Maybe the answer is, not to block Germany from accessing YouTube - but withdrawl all business presence from Germany. I mean, why can YouTube be taken to court in Germany, if it's not a German company? I suppose it's some international-corporation thing, but I'm not a businessman so I don't know. But I've never understood why Germany thinks it can regulate YouTube - at least, not (vs So - get rid of, and Germans will just have to go to instead.

If I were to open a US based site, as a US-only business (or not even as a business) and some users uploaded german-copyrighted material - could I be sued in Germany, just because Germans could reach the site? I'd think not! That would mean anyone putting up a site on the Internet could be sued in any country in the world. Of course, that's a lot of the impetus behind the SOPA and CISPA type laws. Essentially, publishing on the Internet will become like broadcasting before too long - regulated, licensed, and definitely not cheap. The "frontier" is ending.

Comment A La Carte will Cost MORE! (Score 2) 244

In the race for subscription dollars, rates for TV services across providers have risen sharply over the last decade as the number of specialty channels, each commanding its own fee, has soared.

There's the real problem right there. The cost keeps going up. So, reduce the overall cost to the consumer, and we won't care if you "bundle" other channels. Get the specialty channels to reduce their fees, or to be included in "bundles" and so long as the overall monthly cost is kept low, the other channels can ride along.

What I fear is everything becoming "specialty" - or charging like it - can you imagine paying $10/mon PER CHANNEL? e.g for SyFy - $10, Discovery - $10. Food network - $5. But that's basically what a la carte will do - eventually each channel will cost $5-$10/month, with "bigger" ones (HBO, Showtime) being $12-$15.

So, for just a FEW channels, the cost is MORE than it would be now:
SyFy $10
Discovery $10
HBO $15
Food $5
ABC $5
NBC $5
CBS $5
FOX $5
CNN $5
TBS $5
USA $5

So, PLEASE, let's just go back to one flat rate per month for EVERYTHING - and let's keep it to say, $75/month. Any more for 'tv' makes me just want to kick the thing out on the curb and go back to playing card games, reading, etc.


Submission + - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 Launched, Kepler Debuts (

MojoKid writes: "We’ve been hearing about NVIDIA’s Kepler architecture since about September 2010, when company CEO Jen-Hsun Huang first publically disclosed that Kepler would offer massive performance per watt improvements previous-gen architectures and that GPUs based on Kepler would arrive in 2011. That launch date has obviously slipped, but the first product based on Kepler has just been announced. Kepler is NVIDIA's first 28nm GPU architecture, with the current high-end chip sporting 1536 CUDA cores at a base clock of 1.06GHz, with a 256-bit memory interface at an effective 6.08GHz. The first performance reviews of the new GPU, its architecture and the new GeForce GTX 680, show it to firmly outpace AMD's latest Radeon HD 7970 series high-end card across the board. In addition, mobile variants of the chip show impressive performance and power efficiency as well with NVIDIA's Optimus dynamic power gating technology powering down the GPU when it's not required."

Submission + - Researchers May Have Discovered How Memories are Encoded in the Brain ( 1

Zothecula writes: While it’s generally accepted that memories are stored somewhere, somehow in our brains, the exact process has never been entirely understood. Strengthened synaptic connections between neurons definitely have something to do with it, although the synaptic membranes involved are constantly degrading and being replaced – this seems to be somewhat at odds with the fact that some memories can last for a person’s lifetime. Now, a team of scientists believe that they may have figured out what’s going on. Their findings could have huge implications for the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's.

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