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Submission + - Alarming WiFi network name prompts evacuation (

helix2301 writes: A Michigan gym patron looking for a WiFi connection found one named “remote detonator,” prompting an evacuation and precautionary search of the facility by a bomb-sniffing dog. The Saginaw News reports nothing was found in the search Sunday at Planet Fitness in Saginaw Township, about 85 miles northwest of Detroit. Saginaw Township police Chief Donald Pussehl says the patron brought the WiFi connection’s name to the attention of a manager, who evacuated the building and called police. The gym was closed for about three hours as police responded.

Submission + - R2-D2 droid used in 'Star Wars' films sells for nearly $3M (

helix2301 writes: An R2-D2 droid that was used in several “Star Wars” films has sold at auction for nearly $3 million.

The auction house Profiles in History said the 43-inch tall unit that was compiled from parts used throughout filming of the original trilogy sold for $2.76 million at an auction Wednesday.

There was no information about who purchased the droid, which was the most expensive item offered in a movie memorabilia auction that included numerous props from the “Star Wars” franchise.

Submission + - Microsoft Releases MS-DOS Mobile (

helix2301 writes: I’m no fan of April Fools, but this one is pretty good: Microsoft today released MS-DOS Mobile, a new Windows Phone app “built from the ground up” to bring back the C:\ prompt. Sadly, my DOS skills long ago atrophied, but this app actually includes a fully-working copy of Microsoft’s pre-Windows OS.

“The MS-DOS Mobile preview is an essential download,” Microsoft’s Luke Peters writes in the Lumia Conversations blog. “Whether you’re going back to BASIC, or simply booting into DOS for the first time, MS-DOS Mobile marks the next step in Microsoft’s reinvention of productivity.”

Submission + - iWoz by Steve Wozniak Book Review (

helix2301 writes: iWoz is a life story written by Steve Wozniak by well himself. We all have heard the stories of Apple but I think this book really gives you an insight into Steve Wozniak the person. I never knew so much about Steve Wozniak the person until I read this book. I knew his Apple stories but never his personal life.

Steve Wozniak really takes a deep look into his education talking about math his science projects and his college years and of course his college pranks. Steve Wozniak talks about his deep love of electronics and love of engineering. Steve talks about both his parents and how influential they were in his upbringing and education.

I loved his stories about creating a dial a joke number and using his blue box to call long distance numbers to listen to jokes. I really enjoyed his section about answering machines and picking easy phone numbers for jokes.

Steve Wozniak talks about his time at Hewlett Packard and creating calculators there and his love of working at HP and how great it was and all the fun things he did there and loved. He talks about how he left HP and moved on to Apple.

Steve Wozniak dives into his relationships with his wives and the love of his children. He talks about child hood development and his love of teaching and education.

Steve Wozniak writes about his journey of life after Apple and his work on the first universal remote.

I loved this book I would definably make this required reading for anyone with love of apple products. If you have an iPhone, iMac or iPad this will give you respect for the man who founded the first Apple products the Apple 1 and Apple 2.

Submission + - Google sees biggest search traffic drop since 2009 as Yahoo gains ground (

helix2301 writes: Google's grip on the Internet search market loosened in December, as the search engine saw its largest drop since 2009. That loss was Yahoo's gain, as the Marissa Mayer-helmed company added almost 2% from November to December to bring its market share back into double digits. Google's lead remains overwhelming, with just more than three-quarters of search, according to SatCounter Global Stats. Microsoft's Bing gained some momentum to take 12.5% of the market. Yahoo now has 10.4%. All other search engines combined to take 1.9%.

Submission + - ARRL Investigating Web Server Breach (

helix2301 writes: The ARRL reports that its web servers were the victim of a hacking attack in late September. According to the ARRL Letter, IT Manager Mike Keane, K1MK, said the affected servers were taken offline and isolated from the Internet when the breach was discovered. He said no sensitive personal information was affected, but still urged members who have not updated their passwords since April 2010 to do so now.

Submission + - IBM Paying $1.5 Billion to Shed Its Chip Division (

helix2301 writes: IBM will pay $1.5 billion to Globalfoundries in order to shed its costly chip division. IBM will make payments to the chipmaker over three years, but it took a $4.7 billion charge for the third quarter when it reported earnings Monday. The company fell short of Wall Street profit expectations and revenue slid 4 percent, sending shares down 8 percent before the opening bell.

Submission + - DC Introduces First Transgender Character in Mainstream Comics (

helix2301 writes: Once banned from the world of mainstream comic books by the infamous Comics Code Authority, LGBT characters now have a stronger presence in the world of superhero comics than ever before, with gay and lesbian heroes like Batwoman, Northstar and Green Lantern Alan Scott openly declaring who they are — and even getting married. Today, DC Comics told Wired that it will continue to expand the LGBT diversity of its superhero universe by introducing the first openly transgender character in a mainstream superhero comic.

Submission + - Two Ham Radio Operators Scheduled to Head to ISS This Week (

helix2301 writes: NASA will televise the launch and docking of its next mission to the International Space Station (ISS) beginning at 3:30 PM EDT on Thursday, March 28 (1930 UTC). NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, KF5KDR, and Russian cosmonauts Pavel Vinogradov, RV3BS, and Alexander Misurkin are scheduled to launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 4:43 PM EDT (2043 UTC). They will join Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield, VA3OOG/KC5RNJ, NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn, KE5HOC, and Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko — already aboard the ISS — for Expedition 35. It will take Cassidy, Vinogradov and Misurkin only six hours to reach the ISS. NASA will begin its live coverage of the docking at 8:30 PM (0030 UTC on Friday, March 29). The trio will dock at 9:32 PM (0132 UTC), and hatches are scheduled to open between the Soyuz and the ISS at 11:10 PM (0310 UTC).

Submission + - Bill Gates' $100 million database to track students (

helix2301 writes: "Over the past 18 months, a massive $100 million public-school database spearheaded by the $36.4 billion-strong Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been in the making that freely shares student information with private companies. The system has been in operation for several months and already contains millions of K-12 students’ personal identification ranging from name, address, Social Security number, attendance, test scores, homework completion, career goals, learning disabilities, and even hobbies and attitudes about school. Claiming that the national database will enhance education, the main funder of the project, the Gates Foundation, entered the joint venture with the Carnegie Corporation of New York and school officials from a number of states."


helix2301 writes: "The U.S. government is expanding a cybersecurity program that scans Internet traffic headed into and out of defense contractors to include far more of the country's private, civilian-run infrastructure. As a result, more private sector employees than ever before, including those at big banks, utilities and key transportation companies, will have their emails and Web surfing scanned as a precaution against cyber attacks."

Submission + - Hillary Clinton's 'hacked' Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE (

helix2301 writes: "On the back of widespread public interest RT has decided to publish in their entirety a series of memos which were allegedly sent from a one-time White House aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The emails, which were allegedly sent by former political adviser Sidney Blumenthal to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were forwarded to RT by a hacker using the alias “Guccifer.” Guccifer was credited with hacking the AOL email account of Blumenthal last week, though the authenticity of the emails has not been verified."

Submission + - Man to Visit 788 Facebook Friends in Person (

helix2301 writes: "The 23-year-old Hartford Art School grad plans to travel to visit every single one of his original 788 Facebook friends in person and photograph them — not with an iPhone or a digital camera, but with an old-fashioned 8X10 camera. His project is called “Friend Request: Accepted.” Morin estimates that it will take about an hour to photograph each person. The other part is a documentary that captures the passion that Morin’s friends have for the things they love to do, whether it is sculpting, dance or body building. Morin will set off on a road trip at the end of April and hopes to photograph about 150 friends by the end of the year. Morin knows this project will take years it will be worth it if he reaches his goal of exhibiting the photo series in a New York gallery that can handle 788 pictures."

Submission + - Hacker Targets Clinton Confidant In New Attack (

helix2301 writes: "The hacker who has spent the past several months breaking into the e-mail accounts of family, friends, and political allies of the Bush family has crossed party lines and illegally accessed the AOL account of a former senior White House adviser to President Bill Clinton. The intrusion into Sidney Blumenthal’s e-mail account apparently occurred this week, days after the hacker--who uses the alias “Guccifer”--defaced Colin Powell’s Facebook page and breached the former Secretary of State’s AOL account."

Submission + - Spotify's Daniel Says "I don't worry about Apple, Google" (

helix2301 writes: "As Google and others gear up to enter the streaming-music business, the Spotify founder says he's staying focused on bringing music to as many people as possible. Google is aiming to roll out two subscription music services this summer, and Apple is reportedly trying again to tackle the streaming business. But Spotify founder and CEO Daniel Ek says he's not concerned, because his company is laser-focused on music and music only."

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