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Comment Re:The candle ... NO (Score 2) 536

Who is there to be angry at? Doctors who were trying to save her life? You know, not all tragedies have people you can blame.

not who; what. i get pissed when bad things happen to nice people. i may even turn my anger to constructive use, but this should not be construed as finger-pointing.

I really dont get why people need a reason to be sad about her death (she had an MCP!) and someone to be mad at (those incompetent doctors). Is this what we have come to? Someone's death is only of note if they were of a particular skill set, and if we can blame someone for it?

are you asking why i had an emotional reaction to this news, or do you really not know that in many cultures solemnity is the appropriate reaction to news of someone's death?

Comment Re:The candle ... NO (Score 2) 536

You obviously don't get the reference, or the respect that the reference implies.

and i also wouldn't have shown my respect by wishing her a speedy recovery from chemotherapy.

You're an asshole.

that is correct, coward.

i will correct the common misconception that she died from a seizure no matter how tragic it is. i want candles to burn twice as bright AND twice as long, and i'm not afraid to say it.

Comment the anatomy of failure (Score 1) 845

i looked at the real fcat, and while i think the test would have been pretty difficult for my 10th grade self, the idea that an "educated" person could not correctly answer any of the questions except by guessing is wildly implausible. i strongly suspect that mr. roach wasn't taking the test seriously, and if instead the circumstances were that his career was on the line, he would have scored far better.

as to the question of the politics of standardized tests, while i don't believe that school funding should be tied to standardized test results to the exclusion of all else, i don't think it's unreasonable to expect more of our children than was expected of us. remember that we are living in a world of increasing globalization, and our children face more competition from the rest of the world than we or our parents did. so, our power over the question of how much and what kind of education is "good enough" will be diminished in the face of globalization. further, if we get the answer wrong, the ability to legislate money to a program will also diminish as the money finds a home in another, more competitive nation.

Comment this is blogging?? (Score 1) 353

it looks like crystal cox went out of her way to criticize obsidian, to the point of obsession. she registered numerous domain names like obsidianfinancesucks, bankruptcytrusteefraud, and oregonshyster, tried to hide her ownership of them, and gamed search engine results so that the first page was filled with her efforts. is this what you call blogging?

can i duct-tape my iphone to an ak-47 and call myself a journalist?

Comment Re:so, they put the money to work (Score 1) 629

Cheaper for taxpayers, but not nearly as sweet for the gazillionaires.

well, it wasn't sweet at all for lehman. perhaps we need a few more big failures to remind the finance industry that the fed window isn't just a teat to suckle on. rather, it's a rope.

Good thing the taxpayers are controlling the system with their votes...

this is a nice sentiment, but understanding how our financial system works requires a little more effort than, say, driving a car; and, even that is not a right.

Comment so, they put the money to work (Score 1) 629

big deal. isn't that what one would expect from a financial institution? or, should they just stick the money under a mattress? rather than focusing in on the fact that banks made a tiny profit by putting their bailout money into safe investments (i'm looking at you, jon stewart), maybe we should be asking if ensuring confidence in our financial system was worth the $7.7 trillion price tag.

answer: no. regulation and transparency would have done the job for much cheaper. and, if we still don't have the R-word and the T-word in our financial markets, then we're just going to spend $ trillions more in another bailout at some point in the future.

Comment Re:Could Someone Help Me Out With This? (Score 1) 844

i can think of one justification for borrowing money to close the deficit between revenue and spending: to prevent an unforeseen economic disaster and facilitate recovery. naturally, you want to pay off this debt during times of economic prosperity. unfortunately, this last bit doesn't seem to be happening. see page 2, last column.

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