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Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 366

... I'd actually play that. Did you play (For instance) Heavy Rain? Games which allow you to make real-feeling moral decisions are interesting. They allow us to learn about ourselves in a safe environment.

Now, that all being said, I still love the odd round of Unreal Tournament. :)

Microsoft Blasts Google For False Claims In Court Documents 213

recoiledsnake writes "Microsoft writes in a blog post that Google knowingly lied to the court while suing the US government over its consideration of only Microsoft implementations. We previously discussed Google winning an injunction against the Department of the Interior over this. According to Microsoft Deputy General Counsel David Howard, 'Google filed a motion for a preliminary injunction telling the court three times in a single document that Google Apps for Government is certified under FISMA. Google has repeated this statement in many other places as well. Indeed, for several months and as recently as this morning, Google's website states, "Google Apps for Government – now with FISMA certification." ... So imagine my surprise on Friday afternoon when, after some delay, some of the court papers were unsealed, at least in part. There for all to see was a statement by the Department of Justice contradicting Google on one of its basic FISMA claims.' Howard goes on to quote the DoJ brief (PDF), which says, '... it appears that Google's Google Apps for Government does not have FISMA certification.'"

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 1486

Well, if you want be pedantic, one of the critical variables would be the faith of the believer. Since the faith of the priests is likely to be greater than the faith of a presumably agnostic/atheistic /. poster - you may not be able to replicate the results yourself.

Which raises an interesting question. How would one empirically measure faith? And even if you could measure it, could it be measured in a way that has greater validity/accuracy than other measurements of internal human attributes (eg IQ)?

Comment Re:Or maybe they just aren't selling as well (Score 1) 118

For those with the skills and inclination, I highly recommend installing homebrew on your Wii. Grab a classic controller and some emulators and you're set. :) I've been using my Wii to play through the last 3 decades worth of great games I either missed or wasn't old enough to play when they were new.

Comment Re:republicans (Score 1) 884

I've seen this argued both ways for decades now, but I've never actually seen any evidence either way. So, please understand I'm not challenging your assertion here - I'm genuinely curious: do you have a citation to back up that claim? *Do* most jobs come from the corporations owned by the top X% of the wealthy?

And as a corollary to the original question, if so, have the number of jobs traditionally been reduced (or increased) according to fluctuations in taxes on the wealthy?

Comment Re:Good for US economy (Score 1) 617

I used to work in a call center (not in India, but the principle is the same) and we had a few clients who requested that people with foreign-sounding names use more traditional American names while on the phone. We may have been different in that our agents had to use the *same* name on all their calls (and management had to know what the name was) so that it was trackable, but still.
My point is that American names are not necessarily part of a vast tele-service conspiracy - just short-sighted policies handed down by PHBs.

Comment Re:Economic Collapse due to Class War (Score 1) 386

It would take over 200,000 people working 24/7 from birth till their 90th birthday at $25/hr to replace that $4T figure.

Well, good thing we have more than 200,000 people in the states then.
Currently, we have over 300 million people in the USA. Assuming at least 1/3 of them are employed it's a more manageable $40K each. Still not chump change, but it can certainly be paid off in less time than cradle-to-grave. Using your $25/hr number it'd take less than a year if they donated their entire salaries.
Assuming that our employees are instead paying a flat 20% tax, we'd need to wait for them to gross $200K before they'd have paid enough tax to cover this debt. For someone making $25/hr, that will take a little over 4 years working 40 hour weeks.

Admittedly, this plan would require (approx) a 20% increase in taxes for 4 years to pay off this debt *and* maintain our current tax-funded government plans. But while unpalatable, it's far more realistic.

Comment Re:timothy... (Score 1) 532

I am intrigued by this. Assuming that you are following your own advice, what are the performance impacts of encrypting swap and browser history/cookies/etc? I know how to set up symlinks, but setting up an encrypted partition is a new one on me, especially one which is re-keyed on boot. Any recommendations how to get started?

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