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Comment When does a CPU become the CPU? (Score 5, Interesting) 191

It appears from the article that it's a new, separate architecture to which the kernel hasn't been ported yet, so these are add-on processors that can help reduce the load on the actual CPU, at least for now. So, em, two things: 1. How exactly does that work without kernel level support? They claimed having ported separate apps (MySQL, memcached, Apache), so this might suggest a generic kernel interface and userspace scheduling. 2. How does this fix the apps they ported being mostly IO bound in a lot of cases and 99% of the cores will still just be eating out of their noses?

Comment Re:ASCII Delimited Security Issues (Score 1) 140

A properly written unit test might have a chance of finding it if you take the approach of writing your unit tests by looking at how the function can fail. It is still unlikely that you will find it but the most important thing after something like this is found is to add it to your unit tests and look for similar mistakes elsewhere.

Presumably (especially considering how long the bug has managed to go unnoticed and how prevalent it is), it's obscure and an implementation detail (then again, most bugs are). You can't expect random developers to have this kind of knowledge of an underlying XML library -- especially when the rest of the world had no clue either. Despite being unit tested all around the world, nobody has managed to find and report this bug prior to this person. Doesn't that say anything?

Comment Re:Parents choose their baby's name (Score 1) 902

Not to mention countries where the father (family) of the bride is responsible for the dowry, such as India and Pakistan. Many of the poorer villages there are effectively doomed to die out, since some of them are almost exclusively male due to this practice.

Comment Re:I would... (Score 1) 261

Please note that even though you clone (ie geneticaly copy) an organism, you do not copy what you 'love'. There is no guarantee (in fact, it is exceedingly likely, sort of depending on who you ask) that many of the mannerisms that you've learned to recognize in your current dog will not happen in the 'new' version of it -- because those mannerisms were learned from a very specific set of events that can impossibly be reproduced. Bad human analogy: if you were adopted by a rich/poor family, you (same genetic makeup) would have a completely different life.

Comment Re:Two multiple hundreds of thousands of years eve (Score 1) 877

Exactly. I can recommend The Black Swan: The impact of the highly improbable to anyone. It's a great book, and written before the current financial and economical crisis. I'm not going to say he predicted it accurately, but reading it again knowing all this has significantly changed my opinion on the book. Read it -- you won't regret it.

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