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Comment Exposure (Score 1) 665

Isn't the point of getting your music played on the "radio" exposure? How much money did/do artists make per play on normal radio stations? For less-well-known or niche artists, it might be difficult to have your music played on a local or regional radio station, let alone nationally. Pandora, Spotify, etc. provide a variety of artists with national exposure. I'd be interested to see if the artist in question has noticed a correlation between plays on streaming services and her album sales. Or, how about her social network presence. More listeners means more fans, followers, Likes. I've heard of performers using social networking to essentially pre-sell a venue for a live show. There are ways to make money, just have to be creative and innovative - defining traits for most artists.

Comment Once they figure out wireless (Score 1) 329

I have digital phone through the cable company, but its still plugged into the wall so I'd say that counts. I'll consider dumping it just as soon as the telcomms get the whole "cellular phone service" thing figured out. Because dead zones, dropped called, and fluctuating coverage are not signs of a mature technology.

There are two corners in my house where cell phones work, meaning when I'm home I have to leave my phone in that spot and walk across the house to pick it up when it rings. And that superior level of service was only achieved by (grudgingly) switching over to Verizon. Previous carriers I used literally did not get service within a block of my home. This is mostly because my neighborhood is a notorious dead zone. On the bus home I've heard people cut phone calls short, telling the person on the other line "We're about to drive through [blank] and I'm going to get cut off . . ."

Cell phones are not new. My dad had one in the early 90's. You'd think after 20 years they'd have the basics figured out. ESPECIALLY at $40/month minimum.

Comment Re:Why is this shit connected to the internet? (Score 2) 59

I wouldn't be surprised if the mayor and council or DPW chief of some small town arranged to have their water tower wired by some lowest-bid contractor just to show off to other local small towns. "Your town installed halogen street lamps in the commercial district? Well mine just put our water supply on the 'information superhighway'! Check it out, the password is '1-2-3-4' . . ."

Comment It worse than that . . . (Score 1) 163

Math students don't memorize their sine and cosine tables anymore, law students can barely speak Latin, and these young hot-shot doctors barely know a leech from a hole in the ground! But the real trouble started when they put one of those fancy schmancy crank-operated pencil sharpeners in every classroom. When I was in school we sharpened our pencils with a small knife and it worked just fine. Guess these kids are too lazy to do a little whittling.

Brain Scans Show the Impact of Neglect On a Child's Brain Size 206

An anonymous reader writes "A shocking comparison of brain scans from two three-year-old children reveals new evidence of the remarkable impact a mother's love has on a child's brain development. The chilling images reveal that the left brain, which belongs to a normal 3-year-old, is significantly larger and contains fewer spots and dark 'fuzzy' areas than the right brain, which belongs to that of a 3-year-old who has suffered extreme neglect. Neurologists say that the latest images provide more evidence that the way children are treated in their early years is important not only for the child's emotional development, but also in determining the size of their brains. Experts say that the sizeable difference in the two brains is primarily caused by the difference in the way each child was treated by their mothers."

Comment Player Piano (Score 1) 245

My younger brother has been looking for work for nearly 5 years. These "personality tests" and automated application systems are incredibly frustrating. Business managers won't talk to you, they just send you to their the web site to apply for a posted job. After half an hour of vague, logically inconsistent questions you've "applied" for the job. Nobody calls, nobody emails, and if you follow-up with the store they just shrug. And that's if you're lucky enough to be allowed to apply. Some web sites pre-screen you based on a few questions and actually prevent you from applying for the job at all.

Its frustrating for my brother and frustrating to watch. He's caught in the no experience/no job feedback loop and now its being run by machines. Does it really cost a business $5000 in losses for a supervisor to spend a day showing a new hire how to work a register, push a broom, and sign in and out for the day?

Comment Quaintly Ignorant (Score 5, Insightful) 151

Interesting article, cool that Valve went right to the mainstream traditional media with their announcement. But, it was kinda cute reading the author's descriptions of Portal and TF2. I guess the Times simply doesn't have anyone under 40 working for them. Apparently Team Fortress is a game about an evil company that sells its customers faulty products.

Imagine an article covering a sporting event written by someone similarly oblivious to what's going on:
"Members of the Yankees team run to and capture 'bases' as part of an elaborate reenactment focused on battlefield strategies deployed during the Civil War . . ."

Space Sugar Discovered In Binary System Star 94

SchrodingerZ writes "Sweet tooths rejoice! 400 light years from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus, sugar molecules have been confirmed in a gas cloud surrounding a young star. The star, IRAS 16293-2422, though early in its life is relativity close to the size of our Sun. It is part of a Binary star system. '"In the disk of gas and dust surrounding this newly formed star, we found glycolaldehyde, which is a simple form of sugar, not much different to the sugar we put in coffee," study lead author Jes Jorgensen, of the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark, said in a statement.' Glycolaldehyde has been found before in space, but never this close to a Sun-like planet. In fact 'the molecules are about the same distance away from the star as the planet Uranus is from our sun.' This discovery proves that the building blocks of life could have possibly existed in the earlier parts of our own solar system. This particular sugar reacts with propenal to form ribose, which is a major component for organic life on Earth."

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