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Comment Re:Investment (Score 1) 31

Not as servantss. Like the image recapthca, this is probably part of Google's effort to collect massive data on variations in human speech so that their speech recognition software can work better. Maybe one day, Google can sell this tech so that governments can ID someone just by voice alone. Google is now a bigger threat than Microsoft ever was.

Comment Re:Don't like the science? Wait a few years (Score 1) 216

The 'breakfast is the most important meal" was a marketing propaganda by breakfast cereal companies. Stuffing yourself in the morning with high carb cereals leads to obesity especially kids who eat sweetened cereals. Eat when you are hungry and in moderation. There is no need to religiously eat at certain times of day. This is an artifact of the Industrial Revolution where you only had time to eat before work and during the official lunchtime. Cut out the high carb foods and sugary drinks and you'll find it is easier to control your diet. Eat more protein and fats so that you'll feel satiated longer.

Comment Good luck and all the best! (Score 1) 303

My opinion on suicides is that if you find the world so intolerable, then by all means commit suicide. But don't make a song and dance about it and don't burden the emergency services. Get you will and last testament and finances in order. Wear your best clothes, record an automated phone call to the authorities for a few hours later and swallow a few cyanide pills. If you can't go through all that, then you are not ready to commit suicide and are just a whiny, self absorbed, self centred and attention seeking ass hole.

Comment You don't get it do you? (Score -1, Flamebait) 218

You Westerners still think like it is still the 1950's where you can order China around. Funny how sanctimonious America sound-like when other people don't play fair but it's ok if you do it (RIAA ad nauseum). China has nukes, the manpower and most importantly the money to do whatever the hell it wants, just like the other big powers. This is the key that you have not realised or choose not to. You will have to learn to play by China's rules now. Next time don't piss away your economy on useless wars.

Comment Why Moon? (Score 1) 95

Why the fixation on landing on the moon? It is as if people are trying to re-live the glory days of the 1960's. Why go down another gravity well after you have so arduously climbed out of one. The moon is only marginally more hospitable than empty outer space. Mars is only slightly better. Terraforming will take too long and possibly unethical. If mankind managed to make space travel cheap and energy-efficient, then we must be truly spaceborne, the Unbound. Outerspace will be our country, the universe will be our borders and mankind will be our nation.

Comment WTF? (Score 5, Insightful) 1127

WTF is a "live pigeon shoot"? Is there a dead pigeon shoot? The point of hunting is to kill something,so it is absurdly redundant. Pigeons are rats with wings and I assume that the species they are hunting there is not protected or endangered, so why not kill them? From what I have seen on TV and from real life, hunters are actually the most humane people when it comes to animals. Most of them take care to not make the animal suffer.

Comment Re:Do not conflate Afghanistan and Iraq (Score 1) 380

Wow. Just. Wow. Do you work for FOX news by any chance? You first argued that the Taliban helped the al-Qaeda, a statement not 100% accepted by everyone. You then used this to justify attacking Afghanistan, fair enough. Then you fall to the classic "White Man's Burden" argument that it is for the Afghan's own good that you invaded them. Of course, I'm sure you did not suffer a divide by zero error when the method of freeing those poor Afghan women involves bombing them first. I have watched those American child pageant docus, so do I have the right to bomb and invade your country? Have you considered maybe that the Bush government should have coerced or sweet talked the Taliban into becoming an ally? By many accounts, the Taliban were willing to negotiate into handing over Osama, who by the way was hiding in FUCKING Pakistan. No, of course not. We don't deal with untermenschen, I mean terrorists. ,

Comment You mean China (Score 1) 204

Hell yeah! China, fuck yeah! I'll take China over the US any day. I'm in Malaysia, much closer to China than to the US, so I didn't say that lightly. Throughout China's 4000 years of history, they have never concerned themselves outside their sphere of influence. Overall, China had a positive impact on the region, increasing trade and stopping belligerent smaller nations from fighting too much. In Asia, the Chinese are considered to be very pragmatic, hard working and favours making a profit over glorious but costly nationalistic victories. The US is not benign. It is doing exactly what other expansionist empires did, namely gunboat diplomacy. At least the British always had profit in mind when they slaughtered entire villages. You just do it because you can. In fact, looking at where your politics are heading (SOPA, PATRIOT et al.), I say the US is metastasising into a fascist police-state oligarchy. Being the sole superpower caused this to your country. In my opinion, Americans should welcome China and other emerging superpowers to keep your own government in check. So yeah, I for one welcome our friendly Chinese overlords.

Comment Re:Tolkien's prose (Score 1) 505

See here. The problem with people who dislike Tolkien's LoTR is that they read it like a novel. In reality, it is not a true novel. I'm sure you know by now that Tolkien wrote the book so that he can have a fictional place and history for his fictional languages. Read it like you would read a Wikipedia article. You are supposed to cross-reference and look up the footnotes and appendices and other Tolkien books. You are supposed to lose yourself in his fictional world. I'm a nerd and geek and I find this entirely to my tastes. I love details within details within details. If you are not a nerd or geek, it might just get tiresome.

Comment Re:Email a trade secret? (Score 5, Insightful) 165

No, COMPANY email is trade secret. Why are people paying their own money to buy hardware and software for work-use is beyond me. Sure the company won't buy you the latest shiny i-crap from grApple but is it worth it to get sued for breaking NDAs and industrial espionage? You want toys, you buy it yourself and use it for home and off-work.You want to work? Get your company to pay for it and return it to them when you leave the company. The end.

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