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Comment "Solving" a problem California created... (Score 1) 201

In the 80s they were worried about the environmental impact of cutting down trees to make paper bags to told us all we needed to switch to more eco-friendly plastic bags to save the trees. Now the same knit-wits are saying we need to switch to paper bags to save the planet. What about those trees?

Comment Re:Never heard of rollbacks? (Score 1) 58

I was thinking this same thing. I work in tech and if something screwed up this big we'd immediately roll back the release and kick it back to engineering...

Now that all said, this now explains why my map got corrupted on my device and it kept saying my devices map and the map on my app didnt match. And there was no way to resync them. The ONLY option was to factory reset it and then set it about on mapping runs for the next three days to relearn my house. I consider not being able to resync the map from the app back to the device another huge failure as well.

Comment Re:Sad but not unexpected (Score 1) 305

We used to have a MicroCenter in the SF Bay Area. It was in Santa Clara near the Great America theme park.

The landlord raised the rent on the retail space dramatically and MicroCenter decided to close that location. There is only one MicroCenter left in California and its in Southern California, 400 miles away.

There were a half dozen Fry's Electronics stores in the Bay Area so it really didnt make much sense for MicroCenter to try and stay in an overvalued area with one store to compete against a chain that had 5 stores within 15 minutes drive of it.

Comment Re:Alternatives (Score 4, Interesting) 83

Its even worse than that. I had to pause and unpause the download 3 different times. Even exit and restart the program twice to get it to finish downloading.

Then after downloading and installing the 531mb, then 90.1gb, it turned around and needed another 3.9gb patch.

it doesnt recognize my Saitek Pro Flight Pedals, though it does my ThrustMaster WartHog controller. (Never had an issues with FSX or XPlane.)

And the market store inside the game still tries to sell me the whole Premium upgrade which I have installed for another $99. I could see someone getting confused and trying to buy it a second time and getting screwed out of their money.

Finally, unlike previous versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator and XPlane, there is no recording of your flight so you can review it later to see how you did from the outside or from other angles after your landing. And if something fails or you crash it just puts up a box and says something broke and dumps you back into the main menu.

Its visually appea0ling from the sky, but the face on visuals of buildings are often not that great. Its more of an arcade like game than a true flight simulator at this point. I'm actually disappointed that i wasted the money.

Comment Re:This is not a secret at all (Score 5, Informative) 115

They get caught doing this every 10 years or so.
Happened to a family member that worked for IBM in the 90s. They laid off everyone over ~50 without allowing them to look for new positions internally. Anyone under 50 but over 45 was supposed to be allowed two weeks to search the internal job postings and apply before being let go. Incidentally the location manager where my family member was went on vacation for two weeks without giving anyone access to the job board. When the manager came back, everyone only had a day or two left before being forced out.
To make it more insulting, they were all told their positions were no longer needed and they were being downsized. But a hiring manager didn't secure their LotusNotes calendar and people being forced out were able to see interviews scheduled for new younger people for basically their jobs (same description but different title).
It took 10 years for that class action suit over ageism to finally get settled. In the early to mid 2000s there was another story about IBM pulling the ageism bit again.
And now again... Definitely not a company that is loyal to its people...

Comment Thank Warner Brothers instead of blaming RT (Score 2) 266

Warner Brothers made a deal with Rotten Tomatoes a while back and at WBs request, Rotten Tomatoes will withhold reviews until the night of the premiere. The move was slammed by critics and earned its abysmal score. There was a lot of backlash from fans at Rotten Tomatoes for not publishing the review until the premiere. It is not doing well in the box office, and its not because of the ratings. The latest DC universe save the exception of Wonder Woman, is just not doing well. The TV shows are doing better, but unlike Marvel tying everything to one universe, DC has its TV shows set in two different universes (Supergirl and then Flash/Arrow) and their Movies in a third different universe. There is no unifying tie-in. Fans of the TV shows are upset they didn't cast those actors in the movies. They are alienating and splitting their own fans. Its DC's own fault. Stop trying to blame an aggregate site.

Comment Where do laptops go now? (Score 2) 177

Just a couple of months ago wasn't the TSA trying to ban laptops in the cabins of aircraft from different countries? And discussing pushing it to all flights? Sure it wasn't renewed but shows where they want to go So they don't want it in the cabin and now you cant check it... Really trying hard to kill business travel.

Comment Cables comeback... (Score 2) 270

Cut the Cable and go to streaming to save money...

More and more companies start their own steaming service and remove their shows from the existing services...

Now you'll have to subscribe to a half dozen or more streaming services to see the shows you might be interested in...

Cable prices aren't looking as crazy anymore...

Comment Explains all the errors on MSDN today... (Score 1) 48

The ONE time I go to log into my MSDN account in months and its tossing errors, not displaying my subscriber benefits, and even more errors when I would try to look at my account. Thought the issue was on my end - rebooted, still tossing errors... A couple of hours later I was finally able to get in. Apparently it impacted more services than the articles author even knew about...

Comment Re:Where is deniability? (Score 1) 391

I worked a case once where like the poster above stated, the "access time" on the files invalidated all of the evidence.

Someone reported a computer on an open network had a file share with illegal images. We tracked it down by its mac address through the switch port.

Federal agents had us accompany them to seize the computer and verify it was the same MAC address we had captured through the switch for that machine. That was enough evidence for them to seize the laptop.

During the investigation one of the officers failed to lock the drive and image it before accessing the files to look for illegal material.

I had to go testify in the case and waste a week sitting in the court room only to have the whole case thrown out on the grounds of potential tampering of data (file access times were for periods of time the device was in the Marshalls possession). The guy got off. I heard he was busted again several years later.

So as the poster stated, soon as you view that data and the access time stamp changes, YOU could be liable for that content as well. Very slippery slope.

Comment Cheaper licensing and more stable/longer uptimes (Score 1) 167

Makes sense really, Even with Enterprise licensing, Microsoft gets expensive quick, $800 for server, etc... With the number of machines they are likely to be deploying its a HUGE savings. And the Linux systems tend to have better uptimes in my experience. I see "some" windows systems that need monthly or quarterly reboots yet have Linux and Solaris systems that have been up for over 400 days, and last reboot was only to update the kernel... Even other Service providers are using *nix on their backend service devices. Occasionally when Comcast is acting up and you connect to a cable channel or on demand it momentarily flashes the login screen for a Fedora system. (though making that "available" is silly)

Comment Re:Hopefully..... (Score 1) 117

As a consultant, 4 years ago (2011) I found one client still running his whole office on an old NT 3.5 server. IT hadnt been turned off or looked at in at least 6 years.

Most ATMs and Kiosks are still running Windows XP embedded. Even though their are other options now, most of these devices are still running on Pentium III chips. They cant run the newer software and few organizations are motivated to pay the cost to replace them with faster hardware and newer software...

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