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Comment Whining Whiners (Score 0) 245

Good. It is time for the leaders in the USA to explicitly and clearly declare that humans have no ability whatsoever to affect global temperatures. Trump needs to take a large wooden stake and hammer it straight into the heart of Climate Whining.

Only the most willfully ignorant of people believe humans can change the weather over time. I have my yellow vest handy just in case.

Let's see some real science done: x-amount of carbon introduced into the atmosphere over y-amount of time = z-amount of climate change. Whining, hysteria, ad hominum attacks on skeptics of such fantastic claims are not acceptable. Extraordinary claims of humans changing the climate require extraordinary evidence to show it is true. The evidence is not there except in the minds of obtuse individuals who are determined to see such evidence. Fie on them!

Comment Windfarms and windbags (Score 1) 245

Perhaps if they measured the temperature outdoors instead of in the full-of-hot-air opinion factories they derive their "data" from, they would see that the warming and cooling trends are normal, that humans have nothing to do with it, just as humans have nothing to do with the shrinking/expanding ice caps on Mars.

Nothing to see here. Just the usual Chicken Little Climate Change propaganda that's been ongoing since the late 1800s

Comment 6 hour day (Score 1) 456

This would only work if the pay was increased to compensate for the 2 hours not worked. People who live paycheck to paycheck rely on those two hours of work to pay the electricity bill, or car insurance, or groceries. Some people really cannot afford to lose 2 hours of pay a day.

Not everyone lives in Silicon Valley.

Comment Headline is wrong (Score 0) 219

Here is what the headline really means:

"Missing (arbitrary) climate goals could cost greedy governments trying to squeeze more money from its citizens 20 trillion in new revenues to avoid collapsing into debt."

This has never been about science, it has, as it has always been, about money.

Senator Inhofe tells the truth about this fabricated issue:

                    Since 1895, the media has alternated between global cooling and warming scares during four separate and sometimes
                    overlapping time periods. From 1895 until the 1930's the media pedaled a coming ice age.

Humans causing the climate to change is bunkum. It is false, and by the mighty hand of Trump and the great Scott Pruitt, this Chicken Little nonsense garbage will be once and for all be tossed away where it should be.

The fact that is mainly liberals and democrats who support this crap should tell you all you need to know: they are full of crap (as usual).

Comment Credibility Lost (Score 1) 456

Just one of the many things that confound scientists. It "just so" happens matter and antimatter coexist. It "just so" happened that a single cell reproducing asexually "just so" developed the ability for sexual reproduction and it "jiust so" happened both male and female came about at the same time. It "just so " happens hydrogen formed itself into a sun, "just so" happened water formed on the planet, "just so" happened an atmosphere appeared to protect the planet from being blasted by radiation, and life "just so" happened to arise on the planet.

How many "just so" incidents does it take before one becomes overwhelmed by the evidence and therefore must logically conclude that indeed, "In the beginning, God created..."?

The scientists in this article came very close to admitting the truth: the evidence points away from happenstance and random events and towards purposeful design.

It is like these scientists found a vehicle made of Lego (tm) bricks and conclude "these blocks just assemnbled themselves over trillions of years by some unknown force stacking them together! This ought not to even be here!" It never enters their minds that for Legos to be assemnbled into anything there must have been an assembler to do so, just as for a spider to have been programmed to spin a web there must have been a programmer to do so.

And so these scientists take another hit on the bong or pour another drink snatching away the brief moment of clarity they had.

I do not think it is a coincidence that Darwin's voyage on the Beagle, and his theory, arose at the same time an opium epidemic was going on. Yes, I believe Darwin was an opium or codeine addict, fow how else could he come to such addled conclusions that he did?
Darwin, bless his little heart, made his journey on the Beagle so as to smoke his opium without being bothered by the police, or nagged by relatives for being stoned all the time. And what do you, all the other university drug addicts, in their impaired state of mind, believed Darwin's tale of species origins to be true. It takes a mind altered by drugs to be able to look at the evidence of purposeful design and come to some other conclusion.

In 1939,

1830 – British dependence on opium reaches an all time high, with 22,000 pounds of opium imported from Turkey and India.
1832 – Codeine is extracted from opium.
1839 – Opium accounts for more deaths than any other substance.

Comment Re:That's because... (Score 1) 453

You said: "Consider that childless homosexuals, not being burdened by the task of having to care for children of their own, will likely therefore have extra time and resources available to help protect and care for the children of child-bearing couples in their family or community..."

No, this rarely happens. All of the heterosexual couples I know with children, which includes myself, would never allow a homosexual unsupervised access to children. Normal, sane, not drug-addled parents do not want their children to become homosexual any more than they want their children to become schizophrenic, or become a prostitute, or a drug addict, and they certainly do not want their children emulating such behavior or develop some abhorrent idea that homosexuality is normal and acceptable behavior (it is not). Furthermore, many homosexuals are substance abusers and suffer from depression (because they know they are "doing life wrong" but continue along anyway) so are therefore unfit to watch over children.

Finally, the few homosexuals I know have no interest in being bothered with babysitting children but instead want to party or spend all their time for themselves.

When I saw a male dog try to hump someone's leg, I used that as a teaching moment for my children: dogs, and most other mammals do not know to breed unless their mating instinct is triggered. God created all the animals to mate with their own kind and produce offspring. Homosexuals are confused and disoriented like that dog over there and there is a problem with that person that needs to be fixed. Do not be confused like the homosexual person, it is perversion, and also, an abomination in the eyes of God.

Comment Re:How is it different from Red Hat's distros? (Score 1) 54

unusable niche ones like Slackware, Devuan and even Gentoo

Unusable? I've been using Gentoo for years. And with Gentoo you have the option of using or not using systemd as you choose. Gentoo might be unusable for you maybe, but not for me.

no wonder so many people are moving away from Linux

Not so. Look at RHT share price: it keeps going up and up as more companies start using it. My real-world experience tells me that what you are saying "just ain't so". It appears you took your own experience and extrapolated and exaggerated it from a small manure pile to produce a proportion of dung as high as Mt. Everest.

Comment Western Civ sinks lower into the morass (Score -1, Troll) 623

Just as blowfly maggots are a symptom of diseased and rotting meat, so is the acceptance of homosexuality a symptomof a diseased and rotting nation. Exterminating the maggots will not stop the meat from rotting, neither will exterminating homosexuals stop a nation from rotting either. Such rot is caused by a moral, spiritual, and character deficiency amongst its people. To stop meat from rotting the application of a preservative must be applied --salt, and so too must a preservative be applied to a nation to stop its descent into depravity. That preservative is the salt of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. The light of truth is blinding, and the clarion bells of righteousness sounding hateful speech to the wicked who walk in the darkness of evil thoughts and deeds. I pity the nation of Ireland whose people are so foolish and confused they do not understand the truth that in the beginning God created all life, including humans, and he made them male and female one for the other that they may produce offspring. Only someone utterly evil, depraved, or mentally ill cannot see the self-evident truth that male and female were created and designed one for the other. The people of Northern Ireland are probably quite thankful they are a separate entity from Ireland.

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