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Submission + - Facebook and CMU build Pluribus, the first AI to beat pros in 6-player poker (

malachiorion writes: Though past AI poker bots have done well against humans in head-to-head games, Facebook and CMU's Pluribus system is the first to beat groups of human pros in Texas Hold'em. A big technical difference is that the AI isn't just engaging in a two-player zero-sum game, but dealing with multiple players, including calculating when to bluff. Pluribus beat 15 pro players in all, usually in groups of 5 humans and 1 AI. It was trained largely through self-play, without GPUs, and with minimal compute overhead — the equivalent cloud-based training time/resources would have cost less than $150.

Submission + - OSNews Breached and Down Forever?

hmckee writes: OSNews was offline for a few days for upgrades. It is now back up with a message that indicates they encountered a data breach and are considering going offline for good due to maintenance and financial difficulties.

Comment Re:It's not the bikes... (Score 2) 236

And this is why the human race is doomed. We know that something is bad if everyone does it, so in an attempt to stop it, make it illegal. We can't take it away if you already have it or make your own, because "freedom". But, hey, I got mine, so the rest of you can screw off. Besides, I "need" this device to maintain an image emulating the royal gardens and lawns of yore. Nice.

Comment Re:Kickstarted blogging platform? (Score 2) 201

Good question. It made me curious so I checked it out. It's not a blogging platform but a micro-blogging platform. First thing I thought was, "So what?" Turns out they're using it as an alternative to bloated social websites that hoard your data. This micro-blog makes it easier to retain your own data, share it with others and easily move it to another service provider. Something like this might have the chance to do what Diaspora couldn't, namely, put ownership of the data with whom it belongs and make social media sites irrelevant.

Comment Re:The room is dark ... for everyone (Score 1) 367

Totally agree with this post.

Also, if you really want to have an "adult conversation", present us with a technically sound solution. Stop using "dark room" and "shadow is spreading" analogies to paint an evil image of the current situation. Being "dark" is not bad, we *like* it that way because it's safer for the end user.

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