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Comment Re:Unloved Thunderbolt (Score 1) 224

Thunderbolt has made internal upgrades unnecessary (or at worst work-roundable). In the sector Apple is targeting, high-end video including broadcast, mobile and studio audio recording, etc., there's a lot of kit that couldn't possibly be connected via USB or even FireWire. Thunderbolt effectively separates the high-end third party hardware from the host machine, which means that in the future artists and producers can walk into a studio with their own machine and software workflow and plug in via Thunderbolt to record and mix. This has the potential to be a major step forward.

Comment Re:Macs don't need to "hold" multiple drives (Score 2) 224

Yep, and the creative pros will love it. I've done a bit of work in design and photography offices, and practically all of the Mac Pro towers I've seen have empty drive bays except for the stock boot drive and DVD RW. And the desk and floor is littered with FireWire and USB external drives, audio interfaces, etc.. People want to be able to plug in a new drive without rebooting their machine, and want to be able to take work home on their laptop.

Comment Re:seems the Mac premium is disappearing (Score 1) 224

Also the build quality and robustness tends to be a lot better than competitors. I think this has changed in the past 18 months or so as some manufacturers have copied the Apple design style - and added some of their own enhancements - but there are still plenty of creaky plasticky blobs on the market. The price premium compared to high-end Sony, Dell, Asus etc. really isn't that big (and sometimes Apple comes in cheaper) but if you compare tech specs alone than Apple will look pricey.

Comment Re:seems the Mac premium is disappearing (Score 1) 224

I consider not releasing several updates to the same computer line in a year to be an advantage. Known hardware platform, not a moving target. Serious issues with the hardware or firmware usually get fixed. Third party software or peripherals that have an issue on a particular model usually get fixed by the developer. Other manufacturers may be happy to leave issues unsolved when it's a problem on one of thirty models on the market that will be replaced in 2 months time. Peripheral developers probably cannot get hold of the particular Dell or Asus model that doesn't work on their device, so it just gets left.

Comment Re:Peer review (Score 1) 707

I'm not mocking science, I'm stating fact. Something vague about iron levels that "could possibly make a difference" is no help at all for someone who has no blood blood pressure. If you want to look something up, look up Starling's Law (of the heart) - that's science. The treatment of shock is restoring blood volume/pressure, which vitamin C will not help with.

Comment Re:spoken like.... (Score 1) 707

I'm not ignorant, I'm a medical doctor with years of experience. What you're describing is not treating shock. The treatment of shock is restoring blood volume/pressure, then correcting the underlying cause. Yes there are all sorts of things going on during reperfusion following a hypoxic injury, oxygen free radical damage etc. etc., but that's not shock.

Comment Re:Peer review (Score 2) 707

That's hilarious. "Dr. Frederick Klenner wrote 27 papers from the 1940 through 1970 documenting his use of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) to treat all manner of conditions including shock, viral infections, bacterial infections, and burns." I don't need to read the papers to know that's bollocks. Shock is an emergency medical condition where the blood pressure is insufficient to support vital functions, and without treatment leads to death. No amount of vitamin C will restore the circulating blood pressure/volume whatever the cause - unless you were to give it intravenously in large amounts of water, in which case it would be the water that would be the treatment for volume expansion. Same for burns - the loss of fluid from burns causes shock, and has the same outcome.

Comment Re:All Jokes Aside... Still No. (Score 1) 250

I'm not shocked at all. This is just an automated form of hand-optimisation. Plenty of products and algorithms end up in regular use that have been tweaked intuitively (or algorithmically) without really understanding why the tweaking improved it. Plenty of engineering research is about providing models for existing systems to understand why best in class designs work the best. If we held back empirically proven designs until the theory was completely understood we'd never progress with anything.

Comment Re:Drop? (Score 1) 142

I think you're failing to appreciate that the video is massively sped up. What you describe as 'suddenly' does indeed look like a cut edit, but was probably a fairly slow upwards movement of the arm as it regained equilibrium after the drop fell. Watch the clock to see.

Comment Re:What? (Score 4, Insightful) 125

No. When you login, your session cookie should have an ID unique to that browser session. When you logout, it should cancel that ID at the server side, so even if the cookie persists it would be invalid. It seems like many websites are implementing this functionality by just deleting the session cookie when you logout. That's a problem.

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