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Comment Re:Fuck ALL those assholes! (Score 1) 660

The difference is that the right of the people to keep and bear cars isn't mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. As Scalia wrote in the Heller decision, "...enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table." For what it's worth, I personally think cars have become over-regulated, as well.

Comment Re:and who carries the liability coverage? (Score 1) 196

I have no problems with the technology itself. I have a problem with the potential for misuse (especially by law enforcement, DHS, DOJ, etc.). These drones are much less expensive to own and operate than a manned aircraft, making it easier for the aforementioned organizations to subject citizens to 24/7/365 surveillance.

Comment Re:That's how the market is supposed to work. (Score 0) 762

Every tire sold in the United States has a maximum inflation pressure printed on the sidewall. Keep under this number, and you should be fine. However, please note that over-inflating your tires will reduce their life, perhaps drastically, and as a result, it might not be worth the increase in fuel efficiency.

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