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Submission + - Hacking Of US Navy Extensive, Repair Cost $10M And 4 Months. Upgrades Needed

cold fjord writes: The Australian reports, "Iran's infiltration of a US Navy computer network was far more extensive than previously thought ... hackers targeted the ... network used by ... the Navy to host websites, store non-sensitive information and handle voice, video and data communications. The network has 800,000 users ... “It was a real big deal,” said the senior US official. “It was a significant penetration ...” ... the penetration allowed the Iranians to conduct surveillance on the Navy’s and Marine Corps’ unclassified networks ... the cost to repair the Navy network ... was approximately $US10 million. ... The attack and other cyberthreats prompted a broader review of Navy and DoD network security and upgrades ... were needed. The added defences are expected to cost several hundred million dollars ... within three weeks of the intrusion, officials understood the full scope of the attack and put in place a plan to try and push the intruders out. ... the unclassified network was taken down twice for upgrades ... officials were surprised at the skills of the Iranian hackers. Previously, their tactics had been far cruder ... denial of service attacks ..." — Also at Fox News.

Comment Re:guns up/crime down in Chicago (Score 1) 934

In Canada, the courses required to obtain a firearms license mostly covers the safe handling and storage of firearms. Negligent discharges aren't something I hear about often, everybody that I know that own firearms go above and beyond to ensure that they are stored and used responsibly. My ammo is locked in a different part of the house as the gun safe. It would take me over 5 minutes to fire my shotgun. It's perfectly legal to walk down the street with an unloaded non-restricted firearm, but I have yet to see anyone do that. I guess it might have something to do with a different culture in the True White North, but between safety training and storage requirements in Canada a lot of risk is likely removed from the equation. My 2 cents.

Comment Quick question (Score 2) 1532

So Obamacare moves forward today regardless of the shutdown, right? That means people can start enrolling in services today. What happens if the Republicans actually get a delay to Obamacare in a future Bills to raise the debt ceiling, or manage to repeal? What happens to the people now invested in a health care plan? Do they just lose it? I forsee a lot of really pissed off Joe the plumbers in the warmup to a pretty significant election year.

Comment Re:Missing Point (Score 2) 364

Cycling the used battery will tell the vendor the capacity and viability of the battery core. Refurbishing the battery with new cells isn't really a big deal if they've designed it right, the plastics and charge circuity should have a definable service life. Cell prices go down exponentially in volume, so with automated assembly process I can see that "refurbished" battery modules can be totally viable, until you start buying them on Ebay from China..... As for core disposal, there are established services like Toxco that every VAR and assembler I've ever hard of use.

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