Corel Draw Linux Port by End of Year 54
Martin writes "The newsticker of the german computer magazine Chip states, that the linux port of Corel Draw 9.0 will probably be out by the end of the year. The full Corel Office suite will be (nothing new) ported, too." The text is in German-Jochen was kind enough to send a translation.
In case Corel people reading this (Score:1)
1) native port (wine compiled version should be okay, but still want real native port)
2) use font server instead (real important)
1 year? (Score:1)
In case Corel people reading this (Score:1)
fonts (Score:1)
j00r penis iz s0 b1g! (Score:1)
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
How ironic (Score:1)
I was told that they didn't hire unix programmers because "they have bad habits that they carry over". I believe that those bad habits included things like not assuming that sizeof(int)==2, writing portable code, and checking return codes.
See this list [] -- among stupid mistakes there are some valid Unix techniques that can't be used on Windows.
Is GNU always better? (Score:1)
There are things that Photoshop does without much effort, that GIMP doesn't do or makes you jump through hoops for. On the other hand, GIMP's most popular use (creating graphics for the web) kinda sucks under Photoshop; my wife often resorts to an older version of Paint Shop Pro for certain things when she's in a hurry. I'm also not aware of any extensive scripting abilities in Photoshop, a very nice feature of GIMP.
I think the question should be "does it do what I want/need?". Many people who use Photoshop will find that answer to be no for GIMP, but many will find it to be yes. The big plus for Free Software, I think, is that the possibility is always there to have any feature you need, and to make the quality as high as you want it. This is rarely true of proprietary software.
I've only been using Linux full time for about 18 months, but it's been my experience thus far that if there is a feature or program you want that doesn't exist yet, wait a minute. It's probably on it's way. In the meantime, use what you've got. I'll warn you though, if you're not already a steady Linux user, once you get used to it it's awfully hard to put up with Windows.
How to install xfstt (Score:1) install xfstt you need...uh...xfstt and...uh, X server
First: Get xfstt here: b/Linux/X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.9.10.tgz []
Second: 'gzip -dc | tar -xvf - Xfstt-0.9.10.tgz'
Third: "cd xfstt0910"
Fourth: 'make'
Fifth: 'make install'
Sixth: (install TT fonts), 'xfstt --sync ; xfstt &'
Seventh: add 'unix/:7100' to your XFontPath
Eighth: Have 'xfstt' called from
Ninth: You're done, go use you're TT fonts
So...want a GNU alternative? (Score:1)
Go here ~sanchan/gyve/ []
It's the GNU Yellow Vector Editor, a little known Vector-based drawing program. It is intended to compete with the likes of Adobe Illustrator. Before you download it, you need to know that it "requires gtkDPS, ScriptKit, GNUSTEP base, gstep-Guile, gtk+, and guile libraries." Now, go get it, try it, and maybe pitch in and help the authors, I'm sure they won't mind.
How ironic (Score:1)
X11 fonts - TrueType already available (Score:1)
I don't have the URL offhand, but it exists;
this Netscape looks far better with it than
without out.
Combined vector & raster (Score:1)
_______ KB7PWD @ KC7Y.AZ.US.NOAM
YES! (Score:1)
Corel Draw is the only reason I have to
boot into Winblows
Better translation (Score:1)
Straight from the babelfish... (Score:1)
the diagram package Corel Draw to Corel on the German market. Corel Draw is to be at the
earliest to end of the yearly also for Linux at the disposal. After the success of the Linux version of WordPerfect 8 (400,000 Downloads in only four weeks) it becomes also a WordPrefect 2000 for Linux giving then inclusive spread-sheet analysis, presentation module and calendar.
Kyle R. Rose, MIT LCS
Native ports (Score:1)
Translation (Score:1)
After the office suite WordPerfect 2000, Corel will also bring the Windows version 9 of its graphic application Corel Draw to the German market. Corel Draw shall be available for Linux not before the end of the year. After the success of the Linux version of WordPerfect 8 (400000 downloads in only 4 weeks), there will also be WordPerfect 2000 for Linux including spread sheet, presentation module and calendar.
Wake up, rip van winkle! (Score:1)
Netscape crashing will not always bring down NT.
The fact that Netscape crashing can bring down NT is sufficient to make NT impractical.
In case Corel people reading this (Score:1)
Is GNU always better? (Score:1)
Don't bother trying to compare ten year old commercial applications with GNU applications that have only existed for two years and have only been usable for half that time. The commercial software will usually (although not always) win such a biased contest.
Almost all software projects, commercial and GNU, have differences, and depending on the user's needs one will always be "better" than another. GNU software tends to be rich in documentation (the problem with Linux is not lack of documentation, it's way way way too much documentation in too many places), capability (features that are possible, but not necessarily implemented), extensibility (if there's no plugin interface, write one), reliability (doesn't crash) and portability (it's easy to be GNU-compatible).
These are all important to me, and over the last six years of using Linux I have learned that it is so unlikely for commercial software to provide this at a reasonable price (i.e. less than US$50K) that I no longer waste my time evaluating any kind of software for my personal use unless it comes with complete source code.
Commercial software tends to be rich in features (capabilities that have been implemented) and stability (doesn't change), and comes with bundled non-software products (such as hardware, technical support, and some kind of warranty) and obscure kinds of compatibility (usually with itself and its major competitors only, though). Note that it is possible to get all of these things from a vendor of GNU software, so these are not very large advantages for commercial software.
These are not important to me and some of them are actually drawbacks. For example, consider the amount of time and money required to characterize a problem in commercial software (which inevitably involves some reverse-engineering of the software because there is no source code to use as a reference), wait for vendor customer support, communicate the problem to the support person, communicate it again when they realize that they can't solve it on their own and have to get a technical person to handle the call, justify the business reasons for the solution to the problem, execute a contract for delivery of a fix to the problem, wait for delivery, verify that the delivered fix corrects the problem (which is not a 100% probable event I assure you), and pay for the privilege of doing all this work (which in some corporations is a chore in and of itself). We are talking about weeks here.
Now consider the amount of time required to characterize a problem in GNU software (less, because I can walk through the source code and see problems immediately), create a patch that fixes the problem, test the patch, send it to the product's maintainer, and have a new release of the software available to the general public. When I find and fix a bug in OSS, it's fixed _immediately_ and _forever_. We are talking about hours here. If I skip the parts about sending the patch back to the maintainer, then my own problems are solved within minutes--but if I don't send the patch back to the maintainer, then I have to support the patch myself, and I don't want to do that.
Of course in discussing this we are in danger of falling into the trap of discussing classes instead of instances. There is some commercial software out there that is significantly worse than no software at all, and there is some commercial software that GNU is a long way away from imitating, let alone surpassing. There are exceptions to every rule except the rule with no exceptions.
However, it's a myth that you have to actively participate in the development of all GNU software products that you use. You will have a much better experience with the product if you do participate--even if you do nothing but report bugs, remember that someone might fix some of them for you--but it's not essential. Exactly the same thing can be said of commercial software--using the 1-800 tech support numbers may help but is not necessary.
Cross Development for Linux/PPC (Score:1)
I've heard rumors that one of the Linux team has successfully made Wine (at least the source compatibility library portion of it) compile on Linux/PPC. It probably doesn't work due to the big-endian architecture, but it links without error. I have heard no rumors about anyone trying to make Corel Draw compile with it though.
Other rumors: the people on the team have access (either at home or at work) to Linux/Alpha, Linux/PPC, and Linux/strongARM. The team was derived from the Mac port team, so they have plenty of PPC hardware to test on.
killer apps & other companies (Score:1)
i.e. any sign from IBM's Lotus dept about porting?
Corel Draw? So what? (Score:1)
No Subject Given (Score:1)
fonts (Score:1)
fonts => we need easy install/remove (Score:1)
both Ghostscript and X (with recent patches) support both Type 1 and TrueType fonts. Sadly, there are two problems:
1. conversion tables between X and Ghostscript fonts;
2. font installation (installing a font means updating two configuration files, each with its own syntax, using information that has to be extracted from the font).
I think 1. can be addressed by storing some properties into the X server (that doesn't need any fix to the X server; the xinit system could simply load some data into the X server).
For 2., I think a neat idea would be to make simple command line utilities that would take a TrueType or Type 1 font file and (des)install it, and a simple wrapper.
What do you think of that?
Corel Draw? So what? (Score:1)
fonts (Score:1)
Hmmm... What will MS do ? (Score:1)
Corel Draw is one of the "Killer Applications" I know for Windows, i.e. a reason for someone working with illustrations to buy a computer and install Windows.
Photopaint vs PhotoShop vs Gimp/ ps5 upgrade (Score:1)
the major upgrades you get with PS 5 are these:
multiple undo. photoshop was playing catch up with this one as most other raster editing programs already did this. both Gimp and PP do this, PP provides a window that gives you a list much like PS 5 does, gimp doesn't have a list. PS 5's list is very slick and intuitive but in essence no more powerful then the other's
editable text: they still lead the pack with that one, i know the business i work with has been helped tremendously by that feature. kudos to PS there
real-time effects: this is one of those things you say WOW to...when you first rip off the plastic and stick the disk in...but after about a week of usage you stop using it consistently...there are few uses for them...the thing that limits their use is that they look "canned" remember when PS came out with the lens flare? you saw the flare in almost Every peice of artwork and it became i'm seeing PS5 effects left and right...most serious designers don't use them and would rather stick to the old fashioned way because then you can fashion it to your wishes
more powerful scripting?: i heard this was boosted in PS 5 but i really didn't see much of a difference...i was never impressed with their scripting abilities...i guess since you've never tried anything else you wouldn't know but with the gimp you can actually use programming languages(such as perl or TCL) to tell it what to do...creating dialog boxes and all manner of things...some parts of The Gimp actually started out as plug-ins and still technically are...things like the gradient editer which is the best gradient editer i've seen in ANY graphics program the gimp actually blurs the line between actions and plug-ins...corel PP does the same...they have fully scriptable macros that you can open up in their editor and tweak may be saying "well why would i need that? PS actions do all i need"...well all i can say to that is...until you see the power inherited in such a system you can't really make a is like owning a horse drawn cart and asking why you need a car...
lets see, magnetic lasso: if that could even be considered a major upgrade feature, it isn't that much...i so rarely use it...the other programs have similiar features anyways
undo paintbrush: nice feature...but again...playing catchup with corel PP...they've had such a brush since version 3.0 at least...and that is VERY archaic if you know your corel history...
overall...the PS5 upgrade really wasn't worth the money you had to shell out for it...i resented photoshop for making such a move...i didn't mention the color correction scheming because that caused WAY more trouble then good...they almost got sued over that my opinion if you are printing graphics PS is still the way to go...gimp doesn't even have CMYK color scheme...and corel's is notoriously "off"(maybe 8 fixed that, i havn't heard) far as creating on screen graphics, corel PP has a plethora of incredible and powerful features, plus the ability to adapt photoshop plug-ins, as well as their own APIs...its only drawbacks are a slightly clumsy feeling interface...this is due to the fact that it offers so much...throw in tight intigration with its counterpart...coreldraw and you have a killer package...photoshop and illustrator really don't intigrate at all...
as for The Gimp? creating on screen graphics i'd choose no Feels slim and powerful...just like PS does...everything is hotkeyed and customizable...creating graphics in the gimp is like starting over all over again...its FUN...ever since i touched it PS hasn't been fun for me anymore...i feel like i'm working in a limited for scanning and color correcting 50 megabyte pictures i might still stick with photoshop...oh BTW for all you X Window users...raster's imlib tools include gamma and color correction to your screen making decent color correction in Gimp a reality...
Translation (or an approximation of one) (Score:1)
Photopaint vs PhotoShop vs Gimp (Score:1)
AFAIK, There is a Win32 port of GIMP.
What are Corel's Photopaints strengths and weaknesses?
It has fantastic painting tools, rivalling those of Fractal Design Painter. It's good for web graphics, making client-side image maps and such. The JPEG compression is much better than Photoshop's. PS 4.0, the last version I worked with, made horrible JPEG's. 5.0 was supposed to fix this, but I haven't tried it. Also, in PP, when you export to a JPEG, for example, you can preview the image quality and file size of different compression levels before committing to a save. There are also great filters. IIRC, they use Adobe's Plug-in API, so all your 3rd party stuff will work. There is multiple undo, which was glaringly absent from PS 4.0. The menus are definitely a plus, making up for an unclear tool bar. They come in the form of "roll-ups" and "dockers". Lots of info/tools are a click away if you want, or can be hidden if you don't. Umm...make your own movies with
There are few things I don't like about PP. For one, the move tool (object picker) has too many features that are a bugger to wrestle with. Layers aren't as easy to use as PS's, although almost as powerful. In making selections, sometimes I get confusing results, maybe some bugs there.
I admit I don't know about color matching or professional prepress doodads, since I don't do that.
In all, I like it. It was cheap for me, since PP and Draw came bundled with my last computer, and aren't expensive anyway. Surpasses Adobe on painting and web graphics.
Is GNU always better? (Score:1)
But I also am curious to hear from people who actually think OSS products are better than non-OSS products; Windows vs Linux is one strong argument, but I don't know that Gimp is actually better product than Photoshop... Sure, its OSS, but is it a better product? I want to make an analogoy between buying a Toyota Camry and actually building your own car; some people I'm sure can make a better, faster, more fuel efficient, etc car, but most can't, so buying a Camry is perfectly reasonable and useful...
Is there a reason to use Gimp over Photoshop? Or GNU Yellow Vector Editor over Illustrator? Is it not enough to buy decent products with decent performance and functionality, over writing yourself and running freeware?
Or is the argument that OSS code is free code? Is free products better than non-free? I would gladly pay for something powerful and productive, ala Photoshop over Gimp, for example, especially with color matching and press production capabilities in Photoshop...
Not trying to start a flame war, but really curious, myself
Photopaint vs PhotoShop vs Gimp (Score:1)
See, being comfortable and competent with PhotoShop, I don't really try the alternatives very much, though I do look at them. Gimp interested me, but at its level of completeness, and the fact I currently(though probably not indefinitely) run WinNT, PhotoShop seems to be the better product. Are we even talking about the same things? I don't know or assume that we are; I'm still at v4.01, and I see 5 and see it has powerful history and layering and undo commands, as well as scripting, batching, and automating. I don't see the shortcomings because I've learned to use PhotoShop, and essentially work around them. I don't know that Gimp works under Windows, or that its goal is to work under Windows, so I can't compare... But Photopaint does, and I'm not familiar with it at all. On the other hand, if Photopaint gets ported to Linux, a direct comparison between Photopaint and Gimp can be drawn, much as a comparison exists between Gimp and Photoshop; right now, Photoshop is the path of least resistance for me, and in reality is worth the 400$ cost for its features and useability. If Gimp were to approach 3/4 of PhotoShop, under Windows, I would consider using it, even paying for it(if that is legal under GPL and OSS!)
What are Corel's Photopaints strengths and weaknesses? I hear from the above post it has good scripting and remapping; what doesn't it do well, however?
And what are PhotoShop's weakness? It has a powerful plug-in architecture, a relatively intuitive and powerful layers function, the ability to store actions and scripts for repeated reuse, and powerful color matching/syncing capabilities.
How about Gimp? I don't think it runs under Windows, which requires I switch and re-learn Linux... What else?