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Music Media

Retrieving Lost Songs On Minidisc? 4

md freak asks: "I have a Sony MD deck and one of my MD just went 'blank' due to...I don't know what, but I have heard that certain procedures could be performed to retrieve the songs. Does anyone know what these procedures might be?" If anyone has experience with minidiscs who can tell this fellow whether or not there is a chance of recovering the lost data, please spare us some knowledgeable words on the subject.
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Retrieving Lost Songs on Minidisc?

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  • Why is this showing the Digital icon?
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  • by smatthew ( 41563 ) on Tuesday November 14, 2000 @06:21PM (#623525) Homepage
    I rue the day when ./ers start doing a little research on their own before crying to the masses for help. Anyways - here it is:

    If the problem is with the TOC, you might have a chance. Were you editing the disk when the problem happened? If the TOC hasn't been written - then there are methods to get to the old TOC.

    Anyways - check out [] or do a Google search []. I'd reccomend a search string of "minidisc audio lost file recover" or something like that.

    Good luck on recorvering the file. Hope it was something you can record again.
  • by hansendc ( 95162 ) on Tuesday November 14, 2000 @08:29PM (#623526) Homepage
    Most of the retrieval methods that you could possibly try involve fooling the MD into writing a new table of contents (TOC).

    The trick is to record a 74 minute track on another disc, then eject it without the recorder knowing. This is the tricky part. It usually involves the MD's service mode, or a screwdriver. After you have that disc out, you put your previously screwed one in. You pretend to make a small change, such as a track marker, and then get the recorder to write another TOC by stopping it or trying to eject it.

    If the bad disc was fragmented at all, you're screwed unless you like piecing track parts back together.

    As a previous poster said, check out [] for more specific info. They will probably have the information about service mode for your MD device.

    Let us know how this one turns out. Good luck!

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