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Flashpath SmartMedia Reader Support For Unix? 2

Bob Barnes asks: " I just bought the weirdest thing at CompUSA. It's called the Flashpath SmartMedia Reader (made by Toshiba). It makes the SmartMedia flash memory cards that digital cameras use look like a floppy disk to your computer. I bought it because I thought that it would be an easy way to download my digital pictures directly to my Sun and Linux boxes. However, it needs a special driver and only works on MS Windows and Apple Mac machines. I've asked Toshiba America for the source code to their driver; I hope that they send it to me. Any help that the Slashdoters could give me to make the Flashpath work on my Sun and Linux boxes would be greatly appreciated. Pictures of the Flashpath can be seen at: The Flashpath Project"
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Flashpath SmartMedia Reader Support for Unix?

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 31, 2000 @02:54AM (#893382) ath%20for%20Linux.htm

    Was this article a troll??

  • Good luck with that. I installed the driver under Mandrake 7.1 and it doesn't do shit. (Always gives a "setup failed" response.) Since it's closed source I can't do anything to debug it. And since my adapter came private-labeled with my camera and has "Olympus" instead of "SmartDisk" printed on it, I can't get tech support. Not that I could anyway, since it's more than 90 days old.

    Yet another product that I have to fucking load Windows to use.

Single tasking: Just Say No.
