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Graphics Software

Graphics Tablets And Linux? 6

Forkenhoppen asks: "What is graphic tablet support like under Linux? I'm interested in getting a tablet for my computer for drawing/touching up art, and for using with the Gimp. What have people's past experiences been with different types of graphics tablets? What is the best one? Is there a low-cost tablet that works well under Linux? Are USB tablets supported? And most importantly, how many people actually use graphics tablets under Linux?"
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Graphics Tablets And Linux?

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  • Wacom is pretty much the leading name in graphics tablets for any platform. Lots of links were given in the post above, so I'll just post some testimonial:

    I've been using my Wacom ArtPad II for over a year on my linux box, and I couldn't be more happy. It's the size of a standard mouse pad, so I didn't have to rearrange my desk. It's a lot easier on the wrists than those horrible mouse devices (which I sometimes have to use for Quake :) And of course, it makes the GIMP much better. After working with pressure sensitivity, you'll never want to go back!

    I'm fairly sure they have a new intuos series tablet with the same form as the ArtPad II, which would be more sensitive...

    Or if you want to go bigger, they have some ungodly huge tablets, too :)
  • by Wiggins ( 3161 )
    For sure....I have one of the newer Intuos 4x5 mentioned above. I am about 95% programmer, and have merely dabbled in photo retouching and graphical development, but I have been extremely pleased with the new tablet. I still admit I spend most of my time in 'doze at home, but I have found the tablet support to be adequate, it is probably better than that, I just haven't needed it.

    Ok, so now I have another question, for you BeOS users in the crowds, is there support for the tablets in Be?? How far along is it? and if it isn't, is there a project to start??

  • See the Linux Tablet Homepage []. Here is a list of tablets [].
  • Easel, by Human Touch Software [] includes support for Wacom tablets I think, and there is a driver on BeBits [] for Wacom USB PenPartner tablets here []. There are also several other tablet drivers on BeBits, and as far as I know they all support pressure sensitivity, although I'm not sure if any programs other than Easel do. Oh, and Easel was recently made freeware so you'll probably want to check it out regardless of whether it supports your tablet or not.
  • I also have an ArtPad II, and I am unbelievably pleased with the thing. Wacom tablets are pretty much the only ones with any support outside of Windows, and they happen to be the best ones I've ever used. Their Intuos tablets are supposed to be nice, but unless you have some use for the 4d mouse or something (which may or may not be supported in linux, I'm not sure) I'd say you could find a used/new 4x5 or 6x8 ArtPad II for fairly cheap. If you can afford it, I'd recommend going for the 6x8 one, as it gives you a more comfortable drawing area than the 4x5 one.

    Of course, the 12x18 tablet is nice too, with a sufficiently large monitor :-)

  • by dufke ( 82386 ) on Friday March 31, 2000 @09:30AM (#1158721)
    Well, you can start at the Wacom Tablet HOWTO [].

    There is a driver here [], which Wacom themselves link to [].

    As far as I know, their serial versions are supported, but not USB. I haven't actually tried it ('cause I have a USB Graphire), but pressure sensing is supposed to be usable in the Gimp.


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