Utluna provides valuable insights into your portfolio performance and helps you to mitigate behavioral biases. Register anonymously to sync your accounts at different financial institutions in under 5 minutes. It sounds too good to be true! Try our demo account (view only; no setup required) or sign-up for a 30-day free trial (no credit card, no email required). Monitor all your financial assets without affecting their location or how liquid they are. Any asset class, including. equity, debt, currencies, commodities, real assets, digital assets, collectibles, etc. Any security type, including. direct holdings, funds, derivatives, CFDs, etc. Any currency, G10 and beyond. Both bankable and nonbankable assets, listed and not-listed. Using intuitive composition, performance and risk visualizations, you can understand what drives your portfolio. You can customize tags to make your analysis fit your personal view of the world.