Productive teams are autonomous. 7pace Timetracker, the only professional time management system for Azure DevOps teams, is integrated and fully functional. 7pace Timetracker for Developers. Developers master work & time--effortlessly. You can measure your work and track your progress, from user stories to individual work items. You can access your work data from anywhere. 7pace provides a desktop and mobile version, as well as an integrated API and additional options to access project and time data whenever you need it. 7pace Timetracker for Team Leads. Manage projects, not minutes. You have full visibility into the work of your team. Keep everyone on the same page and keep every project on track. 7pace Timetracker for Enterprise. Better data can give you insight and truth. Plan, execute, measure, and report on every aspect of your software development process. To get all the data that you need, integrate time data with enterprise systems.