InterPromo UG
Combin is a smart tool to increase your Instagram marketing. Real followers, likes, and comments. Find influencers and gain new followers. Communicate and engage easily.
Targeted search by hashtag,by area, among followers, followers, likers, and commenters of competitors will help you find profiles and publications of potential followers. For more precise, relevant results, combine locations and hashtags queries to find the most relevant places on a map.
Allow user analysis to ensure that you only receive posts and profiles from interaction-efficient accounts. This will allow you to skip celebrities' accounts, shops or spam. These accounts are determined with 90% accuracy by the machine learning-enhanced algorithm.
Manage your Instagram followers and followings. Identify who isn't following you back and unfollow them all at once. Track the accounts you have unfollowed. You can attract attention to your audience by liking and commenting on their latest posts. Tasks can be assigned for single or mass following, as well as unfollowing.