KennelBooker's market-leading platform lets you maximize your availability, save hours of admin time, make it easy for customers to book online, and make it simple for them to do so. Our platform offers all your needs for Boarding, Daycare and Grooming, as well as Training, House-Sitting, House-Sitting, and Point of Sale. Our smart capacity maximizing system ensures that you have real-time availability and can show your open and closed times. You will never miss a booking again. Accept online payments and automatically send receipts. In minutes, you can add a booking link to your website or FaceBook page. KennelBooker is your digital assistant 24/7. Never miss a booking again! Do you need to request information such as vaccination dates or signed waivers in order to book? You may offer discounts, subscriptions, additional services such as extra walks or pet washing before pick-up. You can charge by the day, by night, or partial days, with custom pickup/checkout times or premium pricing periods. We get it.