What is deskbird?
deskbird makes hybrid work simple, saves costs, optimizes office space, boosts productivity, and fosters team collaboration—all in one easy-to-use app.
Why is deskbird different?
📱 All-in-one: one app for desk booking & scheduling, no juggling required.
✅ Ridiculously easy: intuitive, no training needed—so simple a child could use it.
💪 Powerful yet simple: advanced analytics, AI, desk, and resource booking tools without complexity.
🤝 Built for teams: see when colleagues are in, making collaboration effortless.
🔧 Fits your needs: works with 200+ integrations like MS Teams, Outlook or Slack.
How do you position yourself against your competitors?
We are powering the offices of tomorrow through our USPs:
1. Smart resource management: one tool to manage desk and resource booking, reducing admin workload while maximizing space efficiency.
2. Deep integrations: it works with 200+ integrations, such as MS Teams, Outlook, or Slack. Our Open API ensures flexibility for custom needs.
3. Scalability without complexity: whether managing 50 or 5,000+ employees, deskbird adapts to dynamic workplace needs with real-time user provisioning (SCIM)—all with zero training required.
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The YAROOMS Workplace Experience Platform is your one-stop shop for an amazing workplace experience. We offer easy-to-use solutions that help companies efficiently manage people and spaces in a flexible workplace, including:
* Space booking system - make all your workspace bookable: from desks to meeting rooms and even parking lots.
* Hybrid work status - a calendar-like scheduling tool for everyone in your organization to set their work statuses (at home, in the office, out of office).
* AI workplace assistant - quickly handle multiple reservations, schedule recurrent bookings, locate spaces with specific amenities, find colleagues, and more.
* Visitor management system - customizable visitor registration flow, arrival notifications, multi-location settings, and visitor analytics.
* Digital reception assistant - manage visitor traffic, ensure compliance, and book spaces straight from the front desk.
* Lobby display app, which enhances your workplace’s visibility by showing the booking status of all rooms in your office.
* Room panel - a digital signage app to improve meeting room usage.
* Carbon dashboard that allows companies to monitor and report on their Scope 2 & Scope 3 CO2 emissions.
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Discover Flowscape, the forefront SaaS company revolutionizing office solutions for the hybrid workplace, aimed at streamlining office processes and cultivating a thriving company culture.
Unlock a versatile suite that includes personalized booking features for all your office resources, from desk and room reservations to parking spaces and even cozy spots for your furry companions. Seamlessly navigate your workspace with our intuitive 3D office overview accessible via our mobile app or web platform.
Driven by cutting-edge sensor technology, Flowscape empowers businesses with data-driven insights to optimize space management, thereby boosting workplace ROI. Our user-friendly analytics portal allows management teams to craft effective strategies tailored to your company's unique needs.
With headquarters in Stockholm, Flowscape also maintains offices in Sofia, San Francisco, and London, extending our reach to serve businesses globally. Embrace the future of work with Flowscape's innovative solutions for the modern office.
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Accordant can be used to manage any type of workspace from hybrid, traditional, agile and more. Everything is accessed via a web browser to manage space, plan moves, book desks, track occupancy, view leases, analyze utilization and more. Accordant is compatible with post PC and mobile devices for easy use. If you are looking for a complete workspace solution or even just one or two tools, Accordant has the elements you need. We have clients from 250 employees right up to 25,000+ our pricing is based on space and not users making this an affordable solution for everybody.
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