Verizon Preferred Voice Description
Our traditional phone service allows you to stay connected with customers via unlimited nationwide calling, voicemail, and caller ID. Voice communications are still essential for almost every business. You can stay connected with a phone provider that offers 99.9% network reliability. Preferred Voice offers a variety of features that will help you improve productivity and collaborate. No matter who initiated the call, you can add a third party to an in-progress conversation. Customers should be able to request a callback if they reach a busy number within your Multi-Line telephone system. You don't have to pay usage charges to dial another person in your Multiline phone system. You can answer any ringing phone with the Multi-Line system simply by dialing an access number. You can create a list of saved telephone numbers that you can dial in one touch. You can place calls on hold to free up lines for other calls, or transfer a call from one number to another.
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