Nasdaq Equity Surveillance and Shareholder Analysis
Nasdaq's consultative experts contextualize and uncover shareholder activity in real-time, delivering actionable intelligence as well as C-Suite-ready reports and insights. Our intelligence helps leading IR programs to identify and address shareholder activism, prioritize engagement, uncover untapped potential, and adapt to new trends, such as ESG. We provide the analytics that you need to maximize your program's effectiveness, measure its success, and inform leadership. With Nasdaq insight, you can identify, understand, and capitalize on fund flow, investor rotations, and market developments. Nasdaq's proprietary data allows you to stay on top of important developments. Identify, benchmark, and understand ownership and trade by ESG and sustainable focused strategies.
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Source deals from incubators/accelerators, co-investors, investment banks or your personal network, curate and screen them through objective scoring, build consensus, collaborate with the team members, maintain lists before you decide to take a deal into active evaluation. You can customize your deal flow to make it easier to track deals and collaborate with external and internal stakeholders. You can also view your entire deal landscape from one place. Access all portfolio companies from one place. You can also collaborate on metrics data, milestones, and other details. All deal data is available from the moment it was sourced, evaluated, and invested in. All your investor relations, communication, and finances can be managed from one place. The system does not delete data. The entire deal activity is only archived or versioned.
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Ledgy is the trusted equity management solution for high-growth businesses. All countries are compliant with the best-in-class security, privacy, and security.
Digitize your spreadsheets to create a transaction-based captable that's always accurate, scaleable, and can be updated in real time.
Accurate scenario and exit modeling will make your financing rounds a success. You can streamline your due diligence and manage every vesting schedule.
With custom dashboards, you can show the most recent information to all your stakeholders (investors, employees, and shareholders).
Ledgy automates equity plans and helps you attract and retain top talent. Employees can manage their equity and view their shareholdings as well as their vesting schedules and future valuations.
Engage your investors by sharing KPIs and accurate funding scenarios, valuations and exits, custom reporting, etc.
Learn why Ledgy's platform is loved by founders, CFOs, HR departments, and their employees. To see it in action, book a custom demo.
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Countercyclical, the ultimate financial research and valuation tool for the modern value investor. Create insightful valuations and collaborate in real-time. Work securely in one place. Capture your entire investment lifecycle and keep everyone in your company on the same page. Our mission, founded in 2022 is to empower investors to discover the value of the world.
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