Reva Description
Review Management & Insights For Hotels & Vacation Rentals
Reva aggregates all your reviews, helps you get more 5-star reviews and allows you to respond to all reviews in one place.
Reva provides dashboards, reporting, and actionable insights to your reviews.
Own your reviews. You may be too dependent on OTAs at the moment. Keep all your hard-earned reviews.
It can take a lot of time to respond to guest reviews, but it is necessary to show professionalism and build brand loyalty. Reva's Review Reply feature uses AI to help you create and publish replies directly from Reva to OTAs. This automation allows you to spend less time manually responding to each review and more time focusing your efforts on growth and guest experience.
Once you have centralized all of your reviews, no review will be missed. You can respond to every guest. You can start extracting value by addressing both positive and negative items that are repeated.
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