RSign Description
RSign®, the e-signature platform from RPost®, has been a global leader for over a decade. RSign®, which combines features richness with an elegantly simple interface and affordability at scale, is a unique platform. RSign's unique ability to simplify and automate common e-signing while still meeting all your document, form, and workflow requirements is what makes it stand out.
RSign makes signing simple and easy. Signers can complete and sign documents from any desktop or mobile browser. RSign has a simple user interface, customizable templates, real-time reporting, and sharable templates.
RSign®, makes it easy to view and trust the Signature Certificate for electronic signature tracking, a forensic audit track, sent and signed content, timestamp information, and sent and received content. If ever challenged, a solid record of who signed what when gives you confidence that the esign process and record will be able to withstand scrutiny.
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Digital Signature Software
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