Radius8 Welcomer
To drive in-store traffic and online engagement, harness the power of "when" and "where". Radius8 welcomer is a geo-fenced mobile first experience that displays local stores, directions and events whenever a user is within a specified physical location. R8 Content can be geofenced to provide configurable content tiles that are powered by proximity of stores or other relevant points of interests (i.e. arenas, venues, beaches, resorts, etc.) Or self-definable geo-fenced areas. Different messages can be displayed on content tiles depending on where they are located, what time it is, the weather, and many other factors. Welcomer helps you create new ecommerce engagements by targeting local products, special delivery offers, and promotions. Welcomer is 100% customizable to meet brand standards. Utilize Radius8 data feeds and other third-party systems to power local, dynamic content tiles such as Job Listings, local inventory or reviews.
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MobileBridge helps you identify the right time and location to interact with your customers. This allows you to optimize their engagement. We know that everyone has a different "right time", so we optimize customer engagements using a variety of data, both online and offline. This allows you to build lasting relationships with customers and enrich their customer experience. This will result in a better integration between the offline and online worlds for you, as a marketer. Targeting in realtime is easier when you know where your customers are. With our proximity marketing, you can communicate with customers based on their current location at any time. MobileBridge facilitates genuine two-way communication between you and customers. This is possible through compelling content, delivered with the right message, and interaction that rewards customers.
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NearBee is the best option to Google Nearby for small business and proximity marketing resellers. NearBee, a beacon-aware application that allows users to find relevant content based on their proximity, is the best Nearby alternative. NearBee uses the Physical Web technology for scanning for Eddystone URLs. NearBee displays the notification on both Android devices and iOS. Nearby Notifications were sent silently, often, and became very spammy. This led to poor user experience that caused Google to shut down the service. NearBee, however, has none of these issues. It provides seamless, non-passive rich notifications with visuals for the user. NearBee notifies users when relevant content based on proximity is available via a ringtone, vibration, or other means that can be set by the user. This increases the likelihood of a consumer clicking on a notification, as opposed to silent Nearby notifications.
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HERE is the #1 Location Platform For Developers*, ranked above Google Mapbox and TomTom in terms of mapping quality.
Switch to a higher-quality offering and take advantage more monetization opportunities.
Rich location data, intelligent products, and powerful tools can all be combined to propel your business forward.
HERE allows you to add location-aware capabilities into your apps and online services. You get free access to over 20 market-leading AAPs, including Mapping and Geocoding, Routing and Traffic, Weather, and many more.
Sign up for HERE Freemium to get access to the HERE XYZ Map Builder, which offers 5GB of storage for all your geodata.
No matter what your level of skill, you can get started with industry-leading mapping technology and location technology.
*Counterpoint 2019 Report
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