Balance Theory
Collaboration and knowledge sharing can speed up the process of onboarding new talent. Use integrated cyber knowledge to reduce time spent on knowledge management, asking and answering questions, and reduce the amount of time it takes to do so. From day 0, collaborate and align. A transparent and aligned delivery process to accelerate readiness. Single points of failure can be identified and addressed before they cause employee attrition. High-availability backup of your organization's cybersecurity configurations and decisions. Get to know your colleagues and share your insights. Your own organizational collaboration network will help you move faster. Find community-shared cyber content that you can reuse and enhance for your own cyber programs. Live collaboration with contributors to stories, chat, or live sessions. Keep your team updated on the status of content, tasking, and commentary.
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Klyck helps you close more deals and build stronger relationships. Klyck makes sure that sales teams have the right sales content and marketing content at the right times, which allows for better customer conversations. Klyck's data insights allow sales and marketing leaders understand customer engagement and create superior sales strategies. We combine content intelligence, training integration and customer segmentation to make any sales rep, whether seasoned or new, a qualified sales professional. Learn how Klyck's sales automation software helps B2B clients to improve their sales process, close more sales deals, and maximize sales content utilization. It is difficult to lead a customer through a complex B2B sale cycle. Our platform improves customer conversations by improving sales alignment, significantly reducing time required to find sales content, and providing powerful data analytics on customer interactions.
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A community forum fosters customer engagement, improves customer service and promotes peer-to–peer knowledge sharing. A community forum promotes peer-to–peer knowledge sharing, customer engagement, and improves customer experience. Crowd-source support by using a community forum. It is possible to deflect many support tickets by posting in easy-to-reach discussion threads about common questions. The community threads are filled with relevant keywords, questions, and content that is frequently searched by your target audience. A community forum is a powerful way to harness the knowledge of the crowd and acts as a crowd-sourced knowledge hub. A community that aligns your business goals and customer interests can be a powerful platform to attract relevant traffic and engage potential customers. It is easy to find discussion threads, which can deflect a lot of support tickets and provide deep insights into the major pain points and needs of your customers.
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Lucy is an AI-powered knowledge management system that allows more efficiency and productivity from your employees. She makes it easy to find what you need to know when you need to know it. She listens for changes in your data, reads those changes, and learns all about your organization's accumulated knowledge. She does this without moving it from the places it resides.. She understands documents, PowerPoints, PDFs, graphs used to interpret data, videos, and audios. She connects to third-party data sources to include their insights. Lucy's integration with Slack and Microsoft Teams makes it easy for your team to ask questions that she answers from her learned knowledge. She will help you find the best answer, and she identifies other possible answers if you need a different level of insight. She helps with onboarding, enablement, market insights and research, sales productivity, operational best practices, customer services support, and subject matter expert knowledge protection if individuals change roles or leave your organization. Lucy reads and absorbs every piece of information you want her to when she joins your team. Lucy never leaves, never forgets, and is gets smarter every day.
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