Nextdoor Description

Nextdoor. Your private social network. Good things happen when neighbors get together. Create a stronger community. Keep in touch with your neighbors and share useful information. Keep your neighborhood safe. Keep your neighborhood safe. Keep the neighborhood safe by being there for one another. Get advice and goods to share. Share goods and suggestions. Find a reliable babysitter or dentist. You can borrow a ladder or you can sell your old bookcase. You and your neighbors will enjoy a private environment. Websites password-protected. Each website is password protected and cannot be accessed by search engines. Only true neighbours are allowed. To join, each member must verify their address. This will ensure that you can trust the people you share your information with. Your personal information is secure. We will never share your personal information with third parties.


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Nextdoor Features and Options

Social Networking Software

Activity / News Feed
Advertising Management
Data Security
Event Management
Group Management
Media Library
Privacy Options
Real-time Chat
Social Media Integration
Social Media Tagging
User Profiles

Nextdoor User Reviews

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  • Name: Herbert L.
    Job Title: Retired
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 500 - 999
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Usually very boring

    Date: Feb 07 2023

    Summary: I tried to up posts that would interest people in my area such as how much my real estate assessment went up and how much my electric bill went up when we had a prolonged period of frigid arctic air. But their discipline people kept cutting off my ability to put up posts. This is in spite of the fact that they continually sent me emails telling me that I did "a good job". One email said a post had 4.2k views. A second 1.2k. A third over 900 and a fourth over 300.

    Positive: You get an ability to have a few chats with locals.

    Negative: The content is usually very boring. In my area it is mostly about bad contractors, people's barking dogs and similar things. Their ''discipline" people are extremely haphazard. You never really know what post they will or will not like.

  • Name: Anastasia M.
    Job Title: Home Health Care
    Length of product use: 2+ Years
    Used How Often?: Yearly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

    Date: Dec 03 2022

    Summary: It's a bunch of gossip queens and kings talking about irrelevant occurrences in their lives it's basically a soap opera.

    Positive: If your pet is lost would be the only reason to get on this app or if looking for a local contractor also they have a free and sale link but 90% of the free stuff isn't really free.

    Negative: Liars, scam artist, busy bodies, bullies. This site is for people who should seek counseling but instead get on here and talk about nonsense it is a bunch of hypocrites and plastic humans acting like good neighbors. It's for those who have no life and have to communicate with anyone who will give them any kind of attention.

  • Name: Helena T.
    Job Title: Fast food worker
    Length of product use: 1-2 Years
    Used How Often?: Daily
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Unfairly disabled my account

    Edited: May 02 2022

    Summary: Calling someone or the HOA a Karen who should mind their business is not disrespectful. Lots of people are called Karen's on Facebook and no one gets their account disabled on Facebook.

    Telling someone who doesn't provide proof I'm wrong to provide proof isn't wrong either. 

    Oh, and last and not least calling out Trump's mental health (or being anti Trump) isn't wrong considering that there's people that call out Biden's mental health and anti Biden on Nextdoor all the time. 

    I've contacted the Institute for Free Speech and several local free speech lawyers. I didn't want to contact an attorney, but now you leave me no choice. Hopefully, we can settle this before we end up in court as those comments are mild considering the comments I've seen... 

    Best regards, 


    Positive: Nothing. No pros about this app. Shouldn't have to put anything pros because there's no pros. It's all crap.

    Negative: Censorship. I don't like their customer service. Jeffrey needs his eyes checked.