MarketBeat Description
MarketBeat helps retail investors make better trading decisions with real-time data and objective analysis. MarketBeat provides objective information to help you analyze any stock, whether you are looking for analyst ratings or corporate buybacks. It also offers dividends and earnings reports, economic reports, stock splits, IPOs and SEC filings.
MarketBeat Alternatives
GuruFocus offers the most comprehensive value investing website. It provides a wide range of data and tools that allow investors to pick stocks based on the performance of the underlying businesses. Investors can make better long-term decisions with the combination of historical, financial, and valuation data, powerful screens, charts, and comparison tools. GuruFocus provides detailed analysis and data on the trading histories and portfolios of institutional investors as well as company executives. It also provides macro-economic data, total market values, industry/sector data, and other data to aid investors in understanding market cycles and overall valuations. GuruFocus provides investors with a range of financial news, investment analysis and opinions from market experts to help them on their investing journey. focuses on value investing.
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Seeking Alpha
Our stock research, fundamental analysis tools and crowdsourced discussion help investors make the best investment decisions. We also provide actionable market data and reliable news. Our research is created by investors for investors. It is then carefully reviewed by in-house editors and then read by millions of people. Our stock coverage is deeper and wider than any other. Diverse opinions are provided on each stock to help investors weigh the bear and bull cases and make informed decisions. Investors can use our news to understand why the stock market and stocks in their portfolio is moving or are about move. Investors can use our financial news to gain insight on stocks' future earnings and price trends, as well as to discover new and exciting opportunities. Every investor has access to professional-quality tools through our data. Each stock's characteristics are summarized by our factor grades and quant ratings.
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Stocks Advisor
Stocks Advisor app scans US stock market at a glance and provides stock screener to identify the best stock opportunities every trading day. Stocks screener allows users to filter NASDAQ, NYSE and OTC stocks as well as penny stocks trading for less than $5 per share. It is an advanced application that helps consumers make better financial decisions about their investments. It's a simple and effective stock screener that allows consumers to identify the best stocks in their market for their particular investing strategy. Filter stocks using over 100 factors, including signals, industries, analysis ratings, unusual volumes, and signals. Stocks can be screened using a variety of financial metrics, including momentum, valuation, and fundamental factors like price earning, peg and profitability. Stock screener allows consumers to save their scanners in just a few clicks. This gives them access to data that no other person has to help them keep an edge on stock market.
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Market Rodeo
Market Rodeo provides professional-grade tools to analyze stocks, cryptocurrencies and global markets. The platform offers advanced screening capabilities, including real-time streaming of market data, portfolio tracking and sophisticated technical analysis tools. Users can access customizable dashboards and market intelligence, including company profiles, earnings data and analyst ratings. The platform is unique for its combination of user-friendly interface and professional features. It makes advanced market analysis available to both individual and professional traders.
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