TIKR Description

TIKR helps you find the best stocks, track top investors, analyze businesses quickly, and monitor your own portfolio. Take a look at the portfolios and company insiders of over 10,000 investors, including hedge funds, multi-billion dollar companies, and company insiders.

TIKR tracks all stocks, not just those in the US 13F filings, but also those in Europe, Asia, Australia and elsewhere.

Find hidden gems in the global stock market with our powerful screener.

Use thousands of filters, including country, industry and financials. Also, Wall Street analyst forecasts are available.

S&P Global CapitalIQ provides accurate financial data on 100,000+ stocks in 92 countries, 136 exchanges and more.

Analyze and chart detailed financial data including ratios, valuation multiples and analyst forecasts.


Pricing Starts At:
$19.95 per month
Pricing Information:
$11.96 per month if paid annually
Free Version:


No Integrations at this time

Company Details

Year Founded:
United States


TIKR Screenshot 1
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TIKR User Reviews

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  • Name: Javier F.
    Job Title: Teacher
    Length of product use: Less than 6 months
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    3 months to delete my account, unnacceptable

    Date: Jan 19 2025

    Summary: I wont trust them. I wont be using that platform anymore, firstly because it doesn't give the information I was looking for and second and most important because I don't trust them anymore.

    Positive: The platform is probably fine for some people, it just doesn't meet the requirements I was looking for.

    Negative: I want to delete my account, and seems impossible to do so. I've been writing emails, one each month for the last three months and they say I have to wait, that's close to illegality....

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