MaidThis Description

Choose the time and date you would like your domestic worker arrive. Our fastest recorded booking time was 47 seconds. After passing our 5 Step Screening Process, your domestic worker comes over to clean your place. Relax, grab a beverage, and enjoy your newfound freedom! Your life is now easier! Our online screening process for Domestic Worker applicants is extremely rigorous. The interrogation is not over yet! We also screen potential domestic workers in person and go through our list. If the Domestic Workers pass these three intense rounds, they will move on to the voluntary orientation phase where they will be supervised by our operations team. The final phase involves screening candidates and ensuring background checks are done for your referred cleaner. You can pay online in just 2 days. Stripe securely stores all payment information and ensures that it is encrypted at multiple levels.


Pricing Starts At:
$117 per month


Reviews - 1 Verified Review


Company Details

United States


MaidThis Screenshot 1
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Product Details

Customer Support
Phone Support

MaidThis Features and Options

Cleaning Services Software

Billing & Invoicing
Client Management
Dispatch Management
Inventory Control
Job Management
Mobile Access
Payroll Management
Quotes / Estimates
Recurring Appointments
Service History Tracking
Work Order Management

MaidThis User Reviews

Write a Review
  • Name: Melissa B.
    Job Title: Teacher
    Length of product use: Less than 6 months
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Worst cleaning service ever

    Date: Sep 27 2023

    Summary: Do not use this place run, they are a fraud. They will take your money and will not give it back. I have a phone call recorded of me telling him. I did not like the service and he still took my money.

    Positive: The lady that cleaned my house was nice. A little slow at working but she was pretty nice as a individual.

    Negative: With 2 cleanings, I spent over $900. Nothing on the checklist got done even in the first initial clean. Only thing that was completed was the kitchen One of the bathrooms and part of my son room. Before the clean, I spoke with the gentleman on the phone. And he guaranteed me that there was going to be two people coming. For both cleanings, there was only 1 person and nothing on. The checklist got done, the first cleaning was 8 hours. The only thing that was complete, it was the bathroom. They say they have a money back guarantee and still refuse to give me my refund back. I have in writing what was supposed to happen and I have pictures of what did not happen and I have pictures of the only rooms that were clean.

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