Assign AI
Record a workflow and let our AI + Automation technology do the rest. You can complete tasks in just one click. You can automate any process with Assign AI. It can extract and compile data automatically into reports, manage email, gather analytics and monitor budgets among many other applications. Automate repetitive tasks to save hours. Redirect your attention from boring processes to strategic growth. Eliminate human errors, and ensure that tasks are performed in the same manner, every time. Maintain quality and reliability. Manage increased workloads easily. Scale up your operations without needing to increase your workforce exponentially. Your team will be relieved of monotonous tasks. By giving your team more meaningful tasks, you can improve morale and job satisfaction. Adopting the latest AI automation technology will help you to outpace your competitors. Automating repetitive tasks will reduce operational costs and minimize resource waste. This will lead to significant savings.
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Define hotkeys on the keyboard and mouse, remap buttons or keys, and create autocorrect-like replacements. It's easy to create simple hotkeys in just a few lines. AutoHotkey, a free and open-source scripting language, allows users to create simple to complex scripts for a variety of tasks, such as auto-clicking, macros, form fillers, and macros. AutoHotkey comes with a number of easy-to-learn commands that are suitable for beginners. This scripting language is perfect for experienced developers who want to quickly prototype and create small projects. AutoHotkey allows you to automate any desktop task. It is small, fast, and runs right out of the box. It's also free, open-source (GNU GPLv2) and beginner-friendly. AutoHotkey's simple syntax allows you to concentrate on the task at hand and not on every technical detail. It supports not only the popular imperative-procedural paradigm, but also object-oriented and command-based programming.
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RoboTask can automate any number of tasks, without the need to write code. The program can create simple and complex macros as well as complex automation that includes loops, custom variables, conditional logic, loops, loops, and other advanced options. Automated work with files and folders; keyboard- and mouse macro recorder. Emulation of mouse and keyboard actions, and automated FTP/SFTP/FTPS File Transfer (upload, down, synchronize). Email POP3/IMAP/SMTP automation. It works with Excel. Web automation (filling web forms, web actions). Working with images (convert to resize. crop. flip. watermark, etc.). Working with clipboards, system registry, processes and regular expressions. Built-in HTTP web server, WebSockets support. Integration with Python, Javascript and Powershell
You can do so much more! A scheduled macro can be created that runs one or several tasks at specific times.
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Macro Expert
Macro Expert is a robotic process automaton software. It can perform simple tasks like backing up files and typing email addresses. Or more complex tasks such as importing data, testing applications, and extracting data form the web. Macro Expert can do anything you need. Learn more about the features. It is tedious, but essential, to perform routine business processes such as updating customer records or checking inventory. It is necessary to carefully type the same text and repeatedly press the same buttons. Macro Recorder automation software can convert these steps into macros and let the program do the work for you. This will reduce time and eliminate errors. The web browser is today's most used software. Most businesses and applications are switching to web-based systems. Macro Expert offers features that automate tasks such as filling in forms, checking for new posts, submitting information, and printing reports.
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