Lowdown Description

An email digest for everyone in your Slack. Your community's value is automatically delivered to members. This will increase engagement and help members learn about the things they care about. Unlock the value in your Slack community. Your members don't have the time or energy to keep up with Slack. Lowdown allows you to offer your best content in a new way. Make sure they don't miss out. Engage in a new way Increase engagement automatically Lowdown sends out an email digest that raises awareness about the great things happening within your community. Each post is linked back in Slack to the original, giving members a direct route to return, and to engage. Your community will be better. Get insights that will help you understand your members. Learn which channels your members are most interested in and which channels you should focus on. This will give you a unique insight into which areas of your Slack community to develop. How it works. In one click, invite everyone. You can send out digests to certain members or share a message via DM to all. You can invite others.




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Lowdown Features and Options

Productivity Software

Database Creation
Document Creation
File Sharing
Notes Management
Office Suite
Presentation Tools
Project Management
Task Management
Team Chat

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