Picview is a macOS image viewer with a minimal, modern interface. Picview is compatible with JPEGs, HEICs, PSDs, RAWs, WEBPs, PNGs, GIFs, and other formats. Basic image processing is available, including flip, rotate, EXIF and other information. Supports keyboard shortcuts as well as trackpad gestures. Picview is similar to Windows' default photo viewer -- Photos. You can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel, and switch between pictures with arrow keys or on-screen buttons.
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PhoXoSee, a lightweight and ultra-fast image viewer, is highly optimized and only 3.8MB. It offers you ultra-fast loading times and minimal memory consumption. It has powerful real-time processing to enhance your viewing experience. PhoXoSee includes a number of useful tools, including the ability to search photos by date of capture, display the GPS location the photo was taken at, and convert images in bulk from SVG format to PNG. The configurable UI includes color themes, borderless image viewing and full-screen. It also supports 12 languages. PhoXoSee can be used for personal and commercial purposes.
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FocusOn Image Viewer
Windows image viewer that is lightweight and quick to use. View and edit photos quickly and easily. All users are eligible to use the software for personal or commercial purposes. Your photos will be automatically sorted by date. You can edit photos without affecting the original. Photos can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. More than 100 image formats are supported. Windows XP SP3 and later are supported (Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 ...)). Supported image formats include JPG, PNG. With thumbnails, you can organize your image files in an Explorer-like interface. You can also do simple image editing such as rotating or resizing. You can zoom in to see the details of the image and edit it with crop, filter and adjust functions. You can share the edited image with others via Twitter, Facebook, or Blog. Or, you can organize it automatically with one click.
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Pixea, an image viewer for macOS, has a minimalist user interface. Pixea supports many formats including JPEG, HEIC and PSD as well as RAW, WEBP. PNG, GIF and many others. Basic image processing, including flip, rotate, color histogram, EXIF and other information. Trackpad gestures and keyboard shortcuts are supported. It displays images from archives without extracting them. Supports JPEG and HEIC, GIF and PNG, TIFF and Photoshop (PSD), BMP and fax images. Also supports macOS and Windows icons. Radiance images and Google's WebP. RAW formats Leica DNG, Sony ARW and Olympus ORF. Minolta MRW. Nikon NEF. Fuji RAF. Hasselblad 3FR. ZIP archives and sketch files (preview only). Export JPEG and JPEG-2000 files, PNG, TIFF and BMP. Pixea supports animated GIFs, PNGs, and WebP images.
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