Support reading Picture format : BMP files, Dr. Halo CUT, DDS, EXR files, Raw Fax G3, GIF files, HDR files, ICO files, IFF, JBIG files, JNG files, JPEG/JIF files, JPEG-2000 File Format, JPEG-2000 codestream, JPEG-XR files, KOALA, Kodak PhotoCD, MNG, PCX, PBM/PGM/PPM files, PFM files, PNG files, Macintosh PICT, Photoshop PSD, RAW camera, Sun RAS, SGI, TARGA files, TIFF files, WBMP files, WebP files, XBM, XPM files, PFM, SVG, AVIF AND HEIC. Support for video format (DXVA2 acceleration supports) : mpeg4, avi. mkv. webp, y4m. Quicktime and AVCHD. Open DMG file, and copy RegardsViewer into the Application Folder. Add a new button to link external program for video or picture edition. Correct crash when you continue pushing down the space bar after the video thumbnail. Correct bug in scrollbar disappearance on Thumbnail video.
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XnView MP/Classic, a free image viewer, allows you to open and edit your photo files. The Image Viewer supports all major formats of images (JPEG and TIFF, PNG. GIF, PNG. WEBP, PSD. JPEG2000. OpenEXR. Camera RAW. HEIC. PDF. DNG. CR. Image Viewer offers many features, including color adjusting, cropping, screen capture and metadata editing (IPTC, DNG, XMP). XnView MP's explorer-like interface makes it easy to view and manage your images and photos. There are many features, including batch rename, batch convert, duplicate image finder and image compare. You can also create contact sheets and slideshow.
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Picview is a macOS image viewer with a minimal, modern interface. Picview is compatible with JPEGs, HEICs, PSDs, RAWs, WEBPs, PNGs, GIFs, and other formats. Basic image processing is available, including flip, rotate, EXIF and other information. Supports keyboard shortcuts as well as trackpad gestures. Picview is similar to Windows' default photo viewer -- Photos. You can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel, and switch between pictures with arrow keys or on-screen buttons.
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FastStone Image Viewer
FastStone Image Viewer allows you to convert images, view them, and edit them. It is fast, stable, and user-friendly. It offers a wide range of features including image viewing, management and comparison, red-eye elimination, emailing, resizing and cropping, as well as color adjustments. The innovative and intuitive full-screen mode allows for quick access to EXIF information, thumbnail viewer, and other major functions via hidden toolbars that appear when your mouse touches any of the four edges. A magnifier, a musical slideshow, and lossless JPEG transitions and drop shadow effects are just a few of the other features. You can also access histogram support, scanner support, image annotation, and scanner support. It supports all major formats: BMP, JPEG 2000 and animated GIFs, PNG, PSD, EPS and TIFF.
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