Lemonstocks Description
GPT-4 can analyze financial data and news about companies to help you better understand the market dynamics. GPT-4 receives financial data and headlines about various companies. It uses this information to calculate an attractiveness score every seven days for each stock. Stocks with the highest scores will be selected to form a portfolio. Their allocation within the portfolio is determined by their scores.
Lemonstocks Alternatives
Invest to your advantage. Get unique insights, boost portfolios and make smart investment decisions based on data. Danelfin can be used to find new investment ideas and browse for new prospects. Danelfin's AI takes care of the hard work by analyzing +10,000 features a day per stock, and calculating the probability that stocks will beat the market using the AI score. Our Artificial Intelligence combines +600 technical, +150 fundamental, +150 sentiment daily indicators for each stock to produce +10,000 daily features. Our Artificial Intelligence built a strategy for US-listed stock, using the Danelfin AI Score to demonstrate its predictive capabilities. Discover potential trades in which Danelfin AI was sharp in the past, with at least 60% win rate for buy and strong buy signals, and at least 70% loss rate for sale and strong sell signals.
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Motley Fool
Millions of individual investors worldwide can access free and premium investment advice from The Motley Fool on fool.com (the website you're currently on). Premium membership services provide stock recommendations, detailed analysis and model portfolios, live streaming video during markets hours, and other services. Every week, hundreds of new articles and market news are published. Members-only tools and programming to help you build your ideal portfolio, track your performance, and monitor companies of interest. A Motley Fool member who held 25 stocks for a minimum of 5 years would see a 97% chance that their portfolio would yield a positive return. Every day, we help millions of people worldwide achieve their financial goals. Every dollar should be considered an investment in the future that you want. We believe that investing in great companies for the long-term is the best way to build wealth.
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TIKR helps you find the best stocks, track top investors, analyze businesses quickly, and monitor your own portfolio. Take a look at the portfolios and company insiders of over 10,000 investors, including hedge funds, multi-billion dollar companies, and company insiders.
TIKR tracks all stocks, not just those in the US 13F filings, but also those in Europe, Asia, Australia and elsewhere.
Find hidden gems in the global stock market with our powerful screener.
Use thousands of filters, including country, industry and financials. Also, Wall Street analyst forecasts are available.
S&P Global CapitalIQ provides accurate financial data on 100,000+ stocks in 92 countries, 136 exchanges and more.
Analyze and chart detailed financial data including ratios, valuation multiples and analyst forecasts.
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Uncle Stock
Uncle Stock is a cutting-edge stock screening platform tailored for investors who prioritize value and quality. This tool empowers you to make confident investment decisions based on your unique strategy, aiming to enhance your financial returns. Key features of Uncle Stock include:
In-Depth Data Analysis: Offering access to over 4,000 metrics, Uncle Stock provides comprehensive and accurate information to inform your investment choices.
Broad Global Market Coverage: Covering 40,000 companies and 65,000 listings across various market sizes, from nanocaps to largecaps, Uncle Stock allows for extensive portfolio diversification and the exploration of market-specific opportunities.
Sophisticated Backtesting Capability: Uncle Stock's integrated backtesting feature enables you to test and refine your investment strategies against historical market data, helping to optimize your approach for better financial outcomes.
Uncle Stock is your resource for data-driven, global market insights, enhancing your investment process and potential success.
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