What is deskbird?
deskbird makes hybrid work simple, saves costs, optimizes office space, boosts productivity, and fosters team collaboration—all in one easy-to-use app.
Why is deskbird different?
📱 All-in-one: one app for desk booking & scheduling, no juggling required.
✅ Ridiculously easy: intuitive, no training needed—so simple a child could use it.
💪 Powerful yet simple: advanced analytics, AI, desk, and resource booking tools without complexity.
🤝 Built for teams: see when colleagues are in, making collaboration effortless.
🔧 Fits your needs: works with 200+ integrations like MS Teams, Outlook or Slack.
How do you position yourself against your competitors?
We are powering the offices of tomorrow through our USPs:
1. Smart resource management: one tool to manage desk and resource booking, reducing admin workload while maximizing space efficiency.
2. Deep integrations: it works with 200+ integrations, such as MS Teams, Outlook, or Slack. Our Open API ensures flexibility for custom needs.
3. Scalability without complexity: whether managing 50 or 5,000+ employees, deskbird adapts to dynamic workplace needs with real-time user provisioning (SCIM)—all with zero training required.
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nTask, online task management, and project management platform, is free for individuals, teams, and business professionals. Using nTask, you can create checklists, manage projects, collaborate with project teams, schedule meetings, and automate regular tasks.
nTask is unique because it allows small and large teams to work together on different projects.
Designed for agile teams, nTask allows you to create and assign tasks, submit timesheets, and more. Your team will now keep you informed about hours worked and submit time entries against each task to let you know exactly what your team is doing.
nTask offers Kanban boards, project planning, and issue tracking.
It's easy and free to sign up for nTask Get started today!
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ConnectWise ScreenConnect
ConnectWise Control (formerly ConnectWise Control) is a remote-support solution for Managed Service Providers, Value Added Resells, internal IT teams and managed security providers. ConnectWise ScreenConnect is a fast, reliable, secure and easy-to-use remote support solution that helps businesses resolve customer issues faster, from anywhere. The platform offers remote support, remote meeting, remote access and customization. It also integrates with leading business software.
Raising the bar on remote support will reduce downtime for customers. Give technicians the ability for superior service by providing reliable, direct connections that allow them to access desktops and mobile devices when needed.
Remote desktop and mobile support solutions that are flexible, fast, and secure for every industry. Not sure which version to choose? We'll help you choose the right version for your needs. No credit card needed for the 14-day free trial.
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GoTo Meeting
GoTo Meeting is an online meeting platform that makes it easy, fast, and reliable to increase productivity in your workforce. You can build better relationships and improve business outcomes by meeting face-to-face, sharing presentations, and chatting with colleagues with just a click. GoTo Meeting is used by many of the most prominent companies in the world and is trusted by millions every day for professional virtual communication and collaboration. You can meet confidently using crystal clear audio and video via a simple and intuitive interface. With time-saving features such as meeting transcripts, GoTo Meeting Smart Assistant increases productivity. The GoTo Meeting mobile app gives you the ability to meet seamlessly wherever you are.
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