What is deskbird?
deskbird makes hybrid work simple, saves costs, optimizes office space, boosts productivity, and fosters team collaboration—all in one easy-to-use app.
Why is deskbird different?
📱 All-in-one: one app for desk booking & scheduling, no juggling required.
✅ Ridiculously easy: intuitive, no training needed—so simple a child could use it.
💪 Powerful yet simple: advanced analytics, AI, desk, and resource booking tools without complexity.
🤝 Built for teams: see when colleagues are in, making collaboration effortless.
🔧 Fits your needs: works with 200+ integrations like MS Teams, Outlook or Slack.
How do you position yourself against your competitors?
We are powering the offices of tomorrow through our USPs:
1. Smart resource management: one tool to manage desk and resource booking, reducing admin workload while maximizing space efficiency.
2. Deep integrations: it works with 200+ integrations, such as MS Teams, Outlook, or Slack. Our Open API ensures flexibility for custom needs.
3. Scalability without complexity: whether managing 50 or 5,000+ employees, deskbird adapts to dynamic workplace needs with real-time user provisioning (SCIM)—all with zero training required.
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Shiftboard ScheduleFlex
ScheduleFlex is a dynamic workforce scheduling solution tailored for industries that require flexible and responsive labor management, such as healthcare, public safety, call centers, and staffing agencies. It empowers managers to quickly adapt to fluctuating workforce demands by seamlessly adjusting shifts and assigning them to available, qualified employees. The software includes advanced tools for handling last-minute schedule changes, helping to mitigate disruptions caused by callouts or shifting service needs. With integrated mobile communication features, it enhances real-time coordination between managers and staff, ensuring smooth daily operations. By optimizing shift coverage and minimizing unnecessary overtime, ScheduleFlex helps organizations improve efficiency and workforce utilization.
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Resource management and planning software for the Audiovisual, Event & Party industries.
Manage your projects from start to finish: Schedule resources, track your inventory, and send and create quotes. Flexible licenses to suit your needs, only pay for the products and add-ons you need!
The Equipment Scheduling product allows you to easily plan your equipment. Track equipment stock levels and locations at any point in time. Plan more efficiently, create packages and anticipate on shortages.
The additional Equipment Tracking add-on allows you to control the entire equipment flow. Always know which equipment needs to be packed, collected, returned or delayed. Keep a detailed track of equipment - on serial number level.
Manage and schedule your employees with the Crew Scheduling product. Get availabilities, build schedules and easily communicate with your crew.
Create quotations and keep track of your invoices, with the Quoting and Invoicing add-on. Integrated CRM and tools for customer and employee communication. Sign up for a free trial today!
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For more than 15 years, we've followed our passion for Bring Innovations Closer to Retailers. We help to earn more, make fewer mistakes and work more efficiently by using advanced software to streamline routine supply chain processes. We've helped more than 160 retail chains in 17 countries achieve efficiency.
We feel the power to spread our technologies worldwide and lead retailers to a significantly new level of financial performance and transparency.
LEAFIO is designed to autonomously forecast, plan demand, automate order generation, replenish on time and keep every level of the supply chain balanced in an environment of low predictability and constant change.
LEAFIO provides financial performance-driven solutions. Self-regulating AI-based technologies guarantee highly accurate orders, sales growth, improvement in inventory turnover, and waste reduction. The system will automate everything for you.
LEAFIO shelf space and planogram optimization module is a full-cycle macro and micro space management solution for retail companies that enables automated planogram generation and optimization, execution control, and shelf space performance improvement.
100+ retail chains experience an inside-the-solution engine.
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