R Markdown allows you to create HTML, PDF, ePub and Kindle books. The bookdown package, an open-source R package, facilitates the creation of books and long-form articles/reports using R Markdown. R Markdown documents can be used to create ebooks and books that are ready for printing. It is easier to learn than LaTeX and to create elements such as section headers and lists, quotes, figures and tables. Multiple output formats are available: Word, HTML, LaTeX and HTML. Possibility to include dynamic graphics and interactive apps (HTML widgets, Shiny apps). Support for a wide variety of languages: R/C/C++ Python, Fortran and Julia, Shell scripts, SQL, and others. All output formats support LaTeX equations and theorems. You can publish to GitHub, bookdown.org and other web servers. Integrated with the RStudio IDE. One-click publishing to https://bookdown.org.