It's easy to understand Markdown, but how can you be sure it will turn out perfectly? This is how: A side-by-side preview rendered in real-time. You can open and save directly from your blog, github, and other sites, and you can also paste images from the clipboard to Markdown, Jekyll Site, and Open from Folder support. You can markdown in any text editor. But why should the experience be inferior to Notepad? MarkPad now has a floating syntax toolbar and spellchecker. MarkPad is an editor that supports Markdown, a commonly used syntax for formatting plaintext to be converted to blogs, comments, or other places such as Stack Overflow. Our goal is to create a stylish, usable new version of the project that uses Microsoft's WPF technology. This will allow us to create blog posts using Markdown and other blogs using Markdown.
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A simple app that allows you to take notes and create documents has many great features. LightPaper lets you write your documents/articles/blogs using powerful features such as markdown, folder navigator, real and live preview, shadow notes, multi-tabs, custom styles, distraction free mode, syntax highlighting, math rendering, full GFM support including GitHub tasks, Jekyll rendering, and more. LightPaper is perfect for any writer, blogger, developer, scholar, or student. LightPaper's powerful folder navigation tool allows you to quickly open multiple folders and browse all of your documents. Double-clicking a document will open it quickly. You can also create new documents or folders, delete files or folders, and rename them. Quick Open allows you to quickly search all of your files. To make it easy to find a file or folder whenever you need it, save it as a Favorite.
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Markdown Monster
Markdown Monster is an easy-to-use Markdown editor and viewer that combines syntax highlighting with sophisticated and fast edit capabilities. You can see your output while you type and scroll with a collapsible synced preview. You can embed images, tables, links, emojis, and code with Markdown text. Or, you can use our UI-based helpers to simplify many operations using a few keystrokes. Drag and drop images from Explorer or the built-in file browser to paste them. Your content will be streamlined without any distractions thanks to inline spell-checking and word count. Markdown can be exported to HTML or PDF by saving it to disk, or by copying Markdown selections to the clipboard as HTML. The HTML preview displays syntax colored code snippets of most common coding languages. It can also be customized with HTML or CSS templates to match your sites. You can choose between dark and light app themes and individual editor and preview themes that you can customize.
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MarkdownPad is a Markdown editor for Windows. Instantly see how your Markdown documents will look in HTML when you create them. LivePreview will automatically scroll to your current editing location while you type. Markdown formatting can easily be applied (and removed!) with keyboard shortcuts or toolbar buttons. MarkdownPad doesn't require you to be an expert in Markdown. MarkdownPad can be customized to suit your needs. You can change the colors, fonts, sizes, and layouts. Your own CSS stylesheets can change the look of HTML documents. MarkdownPad supports multiple stylesheets, and includes a built-in CSS editor. The default CSS is simple and beautiful, and will make your HTML documents look amazing. You can quickly create ready-to use HTML documents or copy a section of your document as HTML. MarkdownPad Pro supports multiple Markdown processing engine, including Markdown Extra (with table support) and GitHub Flavored Markdown.
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