You can add logs, metrics, and traces to production or staging directly from your IDE/CLI, in real time and on-demand. Lightrun can help you increase productivity and ensure 100% code-level observability. Lightrun allows you to insert logs and metrics even when the service is in progress. You can debug monolith microservices like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, ECS and Big Data workers, as well as serverless. Quickly add a logline, instrument a measurement, or place a snapshot that can be taken on-demand. There is no need to recreate the production environment or redeploy. Once instrumentation has been invoked, data is printed to your log analysis tool, your editor, or an APM of choice. To analyze code behavior and find bottlenecks or errors, you can stop the running process. You can easily add large numbers of logs and snapshots, counters or timers to your program. The system won't be stopped or broken. Spend less time debugging, and more time programming. Debugging is done without the need to restart, redeploying, or reproduce.