Your hotel's guest experience should be elevated to the next level.
Drag and drop calendar to manage your bookings. One-click guest check in/check out. Easily add notes and preferences to your bookings using the integrated voice-to text function. Simple payments. Multiple payment options and currencies. All you need to do is click and get rate updates and reservations. No more overbookings. No surprises.
To speed up your operations, check-in and checkout buttons are available for quick access. Switching between tabs is no longer an option. All the relevant information in one place. All details are captured by a check-in wizard. Zero complications. It is easy to change the recipient of an invoice, split invoices, and post charges with a single click. Easy room plan management. Group reservations are no longer a problem.
More than 60 reports available and many different ways to analyze data. We can adapt to your requirements. Future calculations, revenue reports, group discounts, top bookings, top guests, rooms, arrivals and departures, capacity.