Keep in touch with the conversations that matter most. You can send photos, videos, and texts. Use Messages for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Personalize your messages with animated effects and inline replies. You can pin up to nine conversations with Messages in iOS 14. Pin a conversation to the top of the Messages App, making it easy to find. iOS 13 and later and iPadOS allow you to share your name, photo, and email address when you reply to or start a new message. You can either use a Memoji or a custom photo for your photo. Messages is the text messaging software that comes with your Mac. It can be used to send messages using iMessage or to send SMS, MMS and other messages via your iPhone. Messages for Mac allows you to send unlimited messages to any Mac or iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or iPod touch that supports iMessage, Appleās secure messaging service. It can also be used by iPhone owners for MMS and SMS messages.